school is shit

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           Another week pass nothing has happened except that Emily decided to stay in this worn-down house. She moved all her stuff into my room making it her own... sort of, she keeps the things that she used to make fun of me for, my favorite books and cd's, she uses my phone now though it is a downgrade to hers, she kept it. Besides that i've got the hang of being positive 24/7 and i float everywhere now, I kinda like it feels like i'm flying. Inian visits me telling pieces of advice now and then turns out can't have my wings till either prove that i can't be tainted or after my job is done... so it might be a while but i got a small halo that i play with now and days Inian says it'll grow with me so let's see how that goes.

                                                                *Time skip to Emily school time*

I float around Emily's pre-algebra class watching her take notes with about 3 other kids while the rest of the class sleeps. I feel something odd but i forget about it when i hear the intercomp went off to announce the students and teachers about some kind of drill then i heard a some kind of  bird flapping their wings when i went to see hallway investigate what i witnessed wasn't a bird but an angel fighting a human as i got closer i i realized it wasn't a person but a spirit in purgatory stage. The angel with a flaming sword the spirit with smaller bronze sword and a smaller shield that barely covers their torso. I didn't have any weapons or anything but just the sound of their metal clashing with each other the the painful yet somehow similar cries of the spirit convinced me to get in the middle of the dispute. I watched until i saw an opening and ran in between putting my hands in their direction forcing them to stop. "What are you doing? Get away this isn't your fight gardian" the angel remarked " you shouldn't be fighting, not here at least not this close to her. Especially with someone who is practically defenseless" the angel looked to the spirit then at me it's eyes widening in shock then their face turn to anger " this one shouldn't be this close to you i told them to continue their path but they refused forcing me to bat-" "I TOLD YOU I DON'T WHERE MY PATH IS!!!! I'M JUST WANTED TO SEE HER FACE..." the spirit started sobbing " ... I thought that she could help me on my way SINCE NO ONE ELSE WOULD WITHOUT SHAMING ME AND PRESSURING ME TO ANSWER QUESTIONS THAT SHOULDN'T BE ANY OF THEIR CONCERN" i turn to face the spirit and when i saw her i was paralyzed. It was her. It was Chelsy right there in front of me i went to touch her when the angel pulled me behind him " no guardian you can not touch you're not strong enough you'll be tainted" i continued to stare though she looked back at me tears falling from her eyes but she smiled. It wasn't a happy smile it was one of her " hope your not mad because i tried to do my best" smile i looked towards her body and noticed she looked the exact same as when we found her dead. My shirt i let her borrow, her favorite blue jeans, and her rope burn against her neck,  three stab wounds on the stomach. I felt cold tears fall. " go back to your sister guardian i'll take care of her" i turned towards Emily's classroom then turned my head to face Chelsy " your path starts at you room take the rose path to our hideout in the woods behind Denny's then follow the path with the yellow flowers" how did I know that? The angel looked at me with shock Chelsy smiled and thanked me. I went back to Emily's class to notice that the soft lockdown hasn't ended and Emily sits there drawing pictures of flowers then i noticed in the corner of her paper she drew a picture of me but with wings that were slightly battered. Then when i looked closer i noticed tear stains around the picture. I hug her the best i can and mutter to her " My little artist" she closes her eyes tightly shaking her head " not now not here" she raises her hand asking to go go to the bathroom then running out of the classroom tears falling quickly as her feet. She falls on the ground i see a boy coming towards us with fear and worry written all over his face. He crouches to her level trying to meet her eyes but her auburn thick silk hair covered her face " hey" he says in a soft trusting voice " hey are you alright... wait don't answer that. That's a stupid question of course you're not... so you like ... need a hug or something?" she tries to collect herself " I-I - I just want my sister..." she cries even harder " hey i got a phone you can call her if you wa-" she lifts her face a bit to meet his dark brown eyes " you can't call heaven" his eyes widen and he finally understands "oh. I'm... I... geez i'm sorry for your loss" Emily gets up from the floor she sniffles and wipes away her tears " thanks but it's not like it was your fault... i should get going to my class right about now." he quickly gets up and stops her leaving " hey if you're not busy maybe we can just go to the park across the street if you still need to talk or just get some quiet or something" i realize how flustered he is around her oh no, no NOPITY NOPE NOT TODAY YOU UNTRUSTWORTHY LITTLE ASS MIDDLE SCHOOLER. I hear a chuckle behind me it's Inian with his hand over his mouth trying not to laugh " you know Kat that 'little ass middle schooler' has a name." i grumble in disinterest " you don't need to worry he's not a person to make a step up" "that's not the problem she like boys like that boy's who are sensitive and almost helpless but are strong when needed" i groan knowing what's going to happen " hmm i wouldn't worry he's not the one for her." i hum in response this is ganna be a roller coaster ride 

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