what's trust these days?

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It's been three days since I've met with Veronica. And so far Blake hasn't tried anything but keep up a conversation. I start to think that I'm just being the paranoid sister that I am til one day they're hanging out in the park and he asks for Emily to accompany him to the 7/11 down the street. I glare at him wondering why on earth he would want to go there and looking to his eyes I see what I always suspected, deception, in his eyes I see his question on how far my sister will follow. And before I can try to interject Emily beats me to it 

" why? We have plenty of snacks unless you need a restroom in which case I would go in there" 

I smile proudly, I knew I taught you well Blake starts to get uneasy 

" just you know..." 

Emily starts to to realize what i see " no i actually don't please enlighten me" i turn to Veronica who was up in a tree making sure Emily doesn't get hurt- I asked her why she couldn't hide in a normal place and she just winked- I notice her face deathly pale, her body frozen in fear I turn to find out what she's looking at when I see him. A tall pale man in a trenchcoat everything about him screams danger except the blue slushie in his hand and his smile... it's almost comforting almost " hey Son, what happened to our 7/11 meeting thought you were gonna show me your little crush?" I glance at Emily and blake both faces red. The man laughs half-heartedly 

" hahaha I see, alright let me introduce myself to the young lady..." he gives him to Emily "... salutation M'lady my name is Jason Dean BLake's father hope my son hasn't been too annoying" 

Emily composes herself and shakes his hand "pleasure to meet you Mr.Dean my name is Emily" JD nods and as he looks up from my sister he looks taken back but quickly smiles again. 

"Emily, what a nice name and what of your father? Or... mother" 

Both Emily and I stiffen at the mention of our parents " I'm at a foster home at the mome-"

 " and their names?" he interjects 

" Ms. Davis, Joan Davis "

 he hums unsatisfied and then he smirks " and... your social worker?" 

Emily frowns at him " why do want to know Mr.Dean?" I turn to veronica's tree to see nothing there i get worried that she left till I notice she's actually walking towards us with determination in her eyes 

" Emily what are you doing here we had an appointment with your therapist 30 minutes ago now come on" it only takes a second for Emily to get what's going on but before she's home safe Jason Dean steps forward 

"Veronica? Roney? Is that you?" 

Veronica barely turns in his direction " excuse me I don't take to ghosts" she storms off with Emily close behind. I'm proud of them and turn to the two boys Blake looks confused at his father while Jason looks like he's ready to go head first to battle.

when I'm watching downWhere stories live. Discover now