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The day stretches on and I see Emily growing anxious and more skippy. I see the boy in her last class and spent half of the class glaring at him trying to find out his intentions i see him glancing back and forth from his paper to Emily. I glide towards his desk and notice Emily, but on paper. She's smiling hair flowing through the imaginary wind. I look back at her from his perspective and wonder how'd he that from here all he sees a quarter of her face and her ponytail. How on earth did this little boy... i turn the pages in my head so he doesn't notice and i see all his pictures are mostly Emily all smiling all in a different hair-do then I notice a different girl till i realize it's me. I notice he has a front pocket inside the jornal i take a peek and i notice pictures of me and Emily on a regular day doing anything till i see that day the day i died he took a picture the moment i got hit with the bullet. You can see it flying through the air, my face, the shooters expression, and emily. Poor emily she didn't even realize... no one did " yo inian who is this boy i want to talk to him." Inian appears next to me " his name is Blake Dean and you can't just talk to him not unless he posses' that gift or you talk to someone who does have the gift to talk to him. " so Veronica... or someone like her" he nods " was he questioned for the shooting ?" inian gives me a questioning look " no nobody knew he was there. Most people overlook him." can I leave Emily to you or how does this work cause i need to visit somebody" " you can leave for about two hours at a time but the longer you leave her the more defenseless she is" i nod in approval i wait till the final bell rings and i follow Emily around turns out this Blake guy ran off early for some kind of emergency. So Emily stayed for another hour drawing and listening to music till she decided to take off home once i knew she was safe i went off to Cliwth lane and tried to remember what her house looked like i didn't need to look far because there she was on her front porch drinking a slushie and reading a book called "Pierre or the Ambiguities" by Herman Melville if i recall the same author of moby dick. I walk over to her getting more anxious with each step " ver-veronica?" she glances at me for a second giving a double take " Kat... what are you doing here? Is something wrong?" i look over to the side then make eye contact once more " that's what i'm here to find out. I was wondering if you could talk to someone for me. It's very important" she bookmarks her page before placing the book down. " what is it sweetie?" " there's this boy in Emily's grade he's also in her last class of the day... i don't like him nor do i trust him." i take a breath trying to figure out how to say the most important part " he- he was there he has a picture... Veronica he was there when i got shot no one has ever questioned him but there's not only that picture he has others pictures all of Emily and me. That's a little creepy if you ask me, and he draws her in such detail it's sends off a wrong vibe" i see Veronica think then start pacing when I see Heather show up and follow her around " you know that i know what she needs to know. It could be his kid rrrroney" I see Veronica tense up and turns quickly to heather " don't. You. ever. I mean ever call me that again heather" " veronica it could be his i mean the chances are not impossible." i stare at them questionality " what are you guys talking about? Whose kid?" veronica turns slightly to me " what's the boys name Kat" " Blake Dean" i hear veronica swear for the first time " fuck FUCK how the hell could this be... i saw him. I know i did... HEATHER YOU SAID HE WAS DEAD YOU" " I DIDN'T say anything sweetheart i couldn't talk to you again for another year or so because YOU thought he died and got your closure so i couldn't haunt you but then you needed guidance again so i came with the other dipsticks... and when i did come i told you there not a very high chance he lived but it wasn't impossible especially since he is a sociopath" "psychopath... he was a psychopath" " no veronica he wasn't because he still had emotions he still loved you" i see veronica eyes suddenly be filled with fear and remorse tears start to slowly fall. " he didn't- he- he wasn't-" she breaks down till she suddenly stops to look at me " Kat i'll help your sister stay away but if his father comes near me i can no longer do anything and i'll be moving out of this town" i nod in understanding and i'm about to leave to Emily when a question pops in my head " why does his father scare you i've never seen you like this" Heather looks worrying at Veronica " remember that story of my senior year i told your sister?" i nod " that crazy boyfriend that i talked about... his name was Jason Dean, JD for short, well he didn't just blew me off and disappear from my life him and i got into this last fight to the death... Literally one of us had to die i thought it was both of us since i shot him at his stomach and i ran with the bomb he had. I ran to the football field and was ready to blow up into a million pieces i couldn't let any innocent people die i already killed three... then he came limping towards me saying his final last sweet words taking his life to save mine saying he was far too damaged... damaged beyond repair i didn't know where he was going till he said that one line "i'd trade my life for yours" then i knew his plan i tried to stop him but there wasn't any other way he wouldn't let me die his final words still haunt me they haunt me more than this one does" she motions towards Heather " he said ' our love is god" i remember how we felt together he wanted to build something anything stable during his life not destroy it he choose me his final words reminding me my biggest mistake" he wipes away her tears " i fell too deep in love so deep i was blinded of how toxic our relationship was" Heather came forward putting a comforting hand on her shoulder " Veronica it wasn't your fault... nobody could've seen this coming he didn't have any help something would've happened sooner or later the fact that you stopped him from killing the whole school you're like a hero but with mistakes an anti-hero per say" i smile at Heathers attempt to cheer up Veronica i see Veronica smile too but it was a sad smile " hey ket let's find this little twerp before anything bad happens" 

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