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Most shapeshifters were bought and placed in circuses, worked as maids or butlers for rich families, salves to horrible people, sex slaves, entertainment, or breeding.

Soo Jin was bought by Jung Hoseok at the age of eighteen. That was five years ago.

Each shapeshifter had three phases. Their completely animal form, half human and half animal form, and their completely human form.

There were rebellions around the world. Very few humans thought that using the shapeshifters were wrong. Shapeshifters and few humans were fighting back to the sick and twisted humans.

Many of those rebellions had been taken care of by the League of Life. The League of Life believed that shapeshifters were below them and that they should be used as toys. They were essentially the new government. It was made up of rich humans. Whether they were male or female did not matter.

The day would come where shapeshifters succumbed to the lustful wishes of the humans. No one would be able to stop the followers of the League of Life. They had all the money and power needed to kill off anyone that got in their way.

Jung Hoseok was a contributor to the League of Life. He was a "magician" who was well loved and known among the humans.

He performed shows all over the world every week to people who bought tickets to his shows.

Soo Jin was his assistant. Hoseok dressed her up in elegant pieces of clothing that were smooth to the skin and dazzling to the eye.

She captured the audiences' attention well. She would wait for his orders and gestures to do something—anything.

He was the only magician in the world.

The meaning of magician in their society: a man who has sex with shapeshifters on a stage where people can watch after paying.

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