2: Fire is Passion

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.^^ Northern-European Skald ^^

— James —

My probation was lifted, once I apparently proved myself to be 'trustworthy'. Mum was irrationally pissed, in my opinion, regarding the fact that I'd been running a Private Investigation Firm, without her knowledge. (That's all she knew about, thank god.)

As such, much of my previous privacy was revoked, and my visits with Athenos, who had openly advocated for my privacy, were supervised, which was laughable, as well as annoying, because they wouldn't speak to one another, and therefore not to me.

I finally got entirely fed up with it, one day at lunch, where the adults had gathered, and pointedly looked at Rafaela. "If they don't start talking to one another, I'm going to move into your attic, and see how they like it." I said sternly.

Mum snorted. "No you're not."

"Aha! And she speaks! Well, if you and Athenos are going to continue acting like immature children, I don't think you have the right to tell me what to do! If you can't trust me, and I can't talk to you, I believe you're entirely missing the concept of trust!" I growled.

"James, some respect, please, she is your mother." Athenos sighed, rubbing his face tiredly.

"And bazinga, they're both vocal!" I laughed sarcastically.

Mum fiddled with her food for a moment, and sighed. "Fine. You're right, Trust is based on the absence of evidence, not constant observation... but I'm not talking to him." She said stubbornly.

"Why? It's been fourteen years since everything between the two of you. Move on! You don't have to be friends, just don't be children!!!" I sighed.

Rafaela nodded. "The silence is annoying, I agree. Athenos, grow a pair, you're acting like a prepubescent child." She said simply, and then plopped a spoonful of her family recipe gumbo into my bowl. "And you, eat and shut up while we talk about this."

I shrugged and started eating, letting them hash it out without listening much. They yelled at each other a bit, and then Rafaela would interject, and the conversation would settle, until the cycle repeated itself, for about an hour, before I gathered the untouched food and started washing dishes.

Rafaela leaned against the counter next to me casually. "How you doing?"

"Tired of their Shite, and entirely done with the lack of privacy, but otherwise alright." I shrugged.

"Mm... well, they're never going to be friends."

"I don't honestly care if they are. I don't want them together. Separate, they're wicked, together, they're annoying and depressing. You're a much better match for Athenos than Mum ever was." I shrugged again, and started drying the dishes.

She nodded and began placing them in the cabinets for me. "I get it, I guess... but do you think your mom just doesn't like that Athenos moved on without her?"

"She's petty like that, yes, I think that's exactly what her problem is." I answered honestly.

"Maybe She should move on as well. Could do her some good." She suggested casually.

"Maybe, but I can't think of anyone she would want. She's older than she looks, and less mature. Unless you can find someone who likes immature redheads with teenage children, I think she's out of luck." I chuckled.

"My sex life is none of your business!" Mum called from the dining room.

"Then neither is mine any of yours!" I fired back.

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