2-6: Tentacle Party

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.^^ New Grimoire ^^

— James —

At the front of the mob, a small creature swam forward, and floated above me. The armor on its body was a light blue, but it's eyes were green, like most of the others. "The Immaterial One demands you to release her Ancient One, and be gone from this plane of existence."

I bared my teeth. "Tell her that I said, with all due Respect, I'm not leaving until this useless sack of shit tells me where he took my friend! He ABANDONED her out of COWARDICE with a hostile Entity, and I will have my answers, and then He's all yours, to punish for his lack of spine or conviction as you wish."

The being blinked each of its eyes individually, and then hummed. "She is unamused by your insolence, but agrees that you shall have reparations for your friend's life, should it be within Yesha-Cole's abilities, Oaths Notwithstanding."

"I swore not to talk! I did!" He squirmed under my foot.

My sword stabbed into one of his tentacles, and I snarled at him. "An Oath made out of cowardly fear means less to me than the heat of a distant sun!!!"

"Nevertheless, Oaths bind us magically, Young One." The spokesperson shook its head.

I growled and reached for his oath, gripping it as it materialized as a chain around his throat. I traced it back to its owner, a vague directional sense that agreed with the compass, and then snapped it off roughly, absorbing the material into my sword as an afterthought.

"No Oath now Binds you, Worm. SPEAK!" I snarled at him, watching as his green face slowly paled to almost yellow.

The spokesperson hummed. "The Immaterial One agrees... an Oath no longer binds you. You are free to answer, and must do so."

"Fine! I answer to the Immaterial's Wishes, not yours, you insignificant-" I cut off his venomous retort with another severed tentacle. He screeched, and then slowly regained control of himself.

"Be nice." I said simply.

"Fine... You're looking for Xian-She, god of Time and Future-Sight... Rafaela made a deal with her a few years ago, and now she's paying for the deal. Simple. Nothing I could have done beyond what I did, which was to hide her for as long as I did, and then tried to get her away... but when we left that place in Portugal, I felt the Denizen's closing in, so I took us to Texas, Mozambique, Paris, so on and so forth, trying to throw them off... but they caught up, and took us to her realm, outside of time! I wasn't needed, so they made me swear never to speak of it, and then kicked me back here, about two weeks in the past! I've been trying to avoid my past self for about that long." He sighed, deflating. "Do whatever you want to me... I'm done. I'll feed myself to the Abyss, if you want."

I pulled out my Grimoire, and shook my head. "I've got a better idea..." his eyes widened in shock, and he tried to swim away, but my Grimoire bitchslapped him into the ground again, then I hefted it, and touched his face to the cover.

He screamed as the Grimoire ripped him into a binding and cover, leaving the pages made of Thor's skin alone. The spine and cover merged with the new crystalline-leather, and Zaire's face appeared on the cover, his six eyes sharing the jewel that had been on the cover as a conduit to all of my power.

I hummed. "Interesting... you look almost threatening in that! Ha! As if."

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