2-1: Feud Fuel

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.^^ Zetre ^^

— James —

When the atmosphere just thickened, I set the tone, by picking up my tea, and tasting it. "Ah, you used the Roman blend, yes? Try the tea, Raul." I said casually.

Zapesa relaxed a bit, and smiled at me briefly. "Yes, it's the same Blend... I acquired it in Italy, just last spring."

Raul shrugged and sipped the tea, then flinched when it turned bright blue. "Whoa, What the hell? Wait, is the tea magical?!?" He grinned, and took another sip. "I mean, I'm more of a coffee guy, but that's wicked cool!"

I looked at Zapesa, and raised an eyebrow. "What's blue mean?"

He swallowed heavily. "It means he's directly descended from me... but that can't be right... how old are you, Raul?" He asked.

"16, almost. My birthday is this week." He nodded.

Zapesa nodded slowly. "The same age as Zetre... curious. I'll have to talk to my wife, I... Ahem, well, you are certainly Welcome here, Raul, and if you'd like my name, you need only ask. I'm not quite sure how this has come to be, but that is secondary. Thank you, James, for finding him and bringing him to my attention..."

I stiffened my spine, as a golden charm appeared on my wrist. "You would do well to never thank me, Sir Lithos... It is not wise." I snapped the charm off the bracelet, and tossed it to him. "Keep that, and don't ever thank me again, please. Consider that your debt."

He bowed his head, and looked at Raul. "Uhm... would you like a tour of the house? Or... I confess, I'm so very confounded right about now."

Raul shrugged. "Me too, honestly. Can someone explain the blue tea?"

"It was a DNA test. It revealed you were his son. Meet your biological father, Raul." I shrugged, and sipped my tea.

"So yours isn't glowing... because..."

"I'm obviously not related to him." I smiled.

"Oh, right... Okay. Well, that was easy, I thought he was the sort that wouldn't, you know..." he shrugged.

"No, don't worry about that. His wife is a bit too stubborn, and he's a bit too competitive, but they're good people. Do you want me to stick around, give you a lift back to America, or what?" I asked.

"When did we leave America?" He asked, confused.

"We're in Greece right now. Outside Athens, specifically. Have fun!" I waved softly, and went back to my tea.

Zapesa raised an eyebrow. "You're... staying?"

"I have some things to discuss with Zetre, yes. You go solve this little mystery." I smiled.

He sighed, and nodded. "Well, I definitely should... but a chaperone is necessary, if you two want to 'hang out' without me or my love present, and therefore you cannot leave the parlor without a chaperone!" He said sternly, and walked out with Raul.

I laughed softly, and settled in to wait, but Zetre came down the stairs almost immediately, and looked around, taking off his headphones. "James? Dad let you in without an escort?"

"Sort of. We have to wait for a Chaperone if we want to leave the Parlor, I guess. I was here on other business, but it's good to see you." I smiled.

He blushed, and sat down on the other end of the couch, glaring at the nanny cam we both knew existed. "Sorry, I know it's got to be weird, my dad going so far about the whole no-privacy thing." He sighed.

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