5: The Wild Ride

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.^^ The Lavender Field ^^

— James —

The Axe upped its game, apparently, responding to my increased power. The pain that ripped through me made my earlier experiences entirely pointless.

It was mental, I realized, after an hour or so, when it spread beyond my nerve endings, and into areas that didn't have pain receptors. It was sentiently seeking to make me give up.

I growled and clamped down on it, shoving it deeper into my mind, and reversed the tables. The metal screamed and groaned as I shook every one of its atoms, heating it internally to temperatures that would have vaporized most humans. One of us would break, eventually, and it wouldn't be me.

This continued for several hours, the time marked when Siobhan came over to me, and set a bowl of broth next to me.

I grinned at her, chugging the heated soup, and the bread that she'd placed with it. "I appreciate it. Tasted nice." I murmured, and went back to fighting the axe.

The little break I'd given it, while I ate, proved enough to break it, when I started again at full power.

It immediately stopped trying to rip my arm off, and shrank to a useable size, about my height, at 6 feet tall. I picked it up, and grinned slowly as it's power flowed through me.

Meek, at first, but after receiving no resistance, it began pouring a new type of magic into my body, this one not like my own, Wild Magic, but just as untamable, I think, without the proper control, which thankfully I had.

She blinked, shielding her eyes, and I realized I was glowing. I immediately latched down on the escaping magic, and found that it was spilling out of the axe, and covering me in a damaging corona, instead of coming from my body. The magic receded, and then the axe silenced itself, both the mystical humming and shining.

I grinned, and used the magic from the axe to replace what was in my Bind-Runes, then filtered it into my blood, mixing it slowly but surely. I wasn't arrogant enough that I thought making my body produce Godly magic would make me a Demigod, but it would definitely make me more powerful.

When it reaches the crystal in my heart that connected me to the Ancestors, some of it was sucked in, making the crystal heat up slowly. It remain a bit warmer than usual, once it settled down, and I could feel the ancestors curiously poking at the new magic, along with who I recognized as Rafaela, Gabriel, and Emmanuel.

I waved to them mentally, laughing, and continued, working the new magic into every nook and cranny of my body, and even into my weapon, my Bone Dagger. The magic eventually mixed with my own, forming a bastardized version that I recognized from the one other Demigod I'd met.

I did all this, because I remembered Qin Long saying something about how people became dependent on these Relic-Type weapons, and then they became weak, without them. In this way, even when it isn't in my hands, I could use the energy it gave off for magic.

Siobhan, who had been sitting nearby the whole time, sighed softly. "If only you hadn't removed the training Rune..."

"Yeah, well, too bad." I said dryly. "Now! I am off to get some sleep, and then be here bright and early in the morning for more training!" I grinned, and opened a portal carefully. The magic showed on my forearm, as a set of complex Runes, in the Language I'd selected. "Interesting..." I hummed, and stepped through the portal.

Athenos looked around the corner of the garden, into the library, and hummed. "You Alright, kiddo?"

"Better than ever, Pops, I conquered the Axe of Thor!" I grinned, showing him the axe, as fire raced along the blade.

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