2-2: Strings In The Night

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.^^ Zetre's Rapier ^^

— James —

"So do I get an explanation on how you opened a grand staircase portal? Because that's awesome." Zetre asked in his native tongue, then grinned, pulling me through the crowd towards the stairs to our seats.

"Sure, it's just a little thing I whipped up, took a little bit of the Bifrost, tweaked it a mite." I shrugged, and gently steered him around a group of people.

He scoffed. "Oh, you just 'tweaked the Bifrost a Mite' you pompous little Irishman! How'd that work, exactly?!?"

I chuckled. "Oh, just a bit of mischief I got up to a year or so ago. The tweaks happened about a week ago. I was tired of having to walk all the way to Dad's house every time I wanted to go to Greece, or to the Compound to get to Miami... then my company in the Grand Canyon started, and I actually needed proper transportation." I paused, and then grinned. "You know, what about you? What mischief have I missed? Master Mage Lithos of the Order of Merlin?" I nudged him playfully, switching to Latin for safety in the crowd. I didn't want a heart attack to ruin tonight.

He noticed my reasons, and then grinned. "Fuck I love that title. And if you want to know, I've been working on a Revolutionary version of Mana-Infused Plasma, it's going to be great! I've got it mostly stable, but it has a weird way of igniting... I mean, I'm part of the Fire Clan, I like when my magic actually makes things ignite, but it's too hot to properly stabilize while keeping solidity... it turns to liquid every time. Not all the kinks sorted out yet." He sighed.

I hummed. "You might try asserting a limiter sequence, like the Zekesian Arbitrary Limiters? You remember, the-"

"The Zed Limiters? Oh god why didn't I think of that?!? You're a total magical genius you fucking idiot!" He laughed, hugging me tightly.

I grinned. "You insulting me here, or complimenting? Choose one, yeah luv?"

He shrugged. "Oh don't be picky."

"I've never been accused of being picky before, but so be it!" I laughed, and noticed our seats. I moved the curtain aside, and grinned at the empty balcony. "Got the whole balcony to ourselves, eh?" I wiggled my eyebrows at him mischeviously.

Zetre grinned. "Don't be nasty, I'm here for the music first!"

I clutched my chest dramatically. "Right in the heart! So rude! Maria, you beautiful darling, how could your charge harm me so?!?"

She raised an eyebrow, and sat down at the back of the three rows of seats. "The show is starting." She commented dryly.

I sat Zetre and I down at the front, and chuckled softly as the announcer began explaining the Schedule. "Or you could try manually limiting the initial magical inertia, just send less Mana into it." I murmured.

He scoffed. "You think I didn't try that?"

"I don't know, I'm still foggy about the entire experiment! You only gave me the basics! Spit out the fun bits!" I grinned and poked his ribs playfully.

He swatted my hands ineffectually. "After the show we can talk magic! I want to listen to the music!"

"Alright, you're right, I hear these guys are really good." I nodded, and tapped a soft rhythm on his hands, playing some basic Bach as we waited for the men on the stage to get set up.

He paused. "I didn't know you knew Cello?"

I grinned widely. "Ooh, Lots of things you don't know about me, luv! I'm a walking, talking, evolving man! Always acquiring new skills! Just a little guidance, and I can learn anything..." I winked.

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