2-3: Moonlight Sonata

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.^^ Bast ^^

— James —

I looked at the kitchen, and tilted my head, staring at the chef, visible now, and still yelling. My eyes blazed gold, and he froze, making the entire kitchen follow suit. He smelled of magic, which was good because I didn't want a heart attack tonight from breaking the Geas.

"I believe he will think twice before badgering you so rudely... status does not make easy the act of being rude." I shrugged, and looked at Zetre, who raised an eyebrow imperiously. "Sorry."

He smiled. "It's alright. Well, Manny, I'd like some water, and a glass of milk. I plan on burning my mouth tonight, so the milk will be for when I finally fold."

I laughed softly. "Adorable. Lemon-Water for me, and I don't suppose wine is going to happen?"

He shook his head. "Nope. I know you're used to it, in Greece, but we have different laws here. And you, Miss Maria?" He smiled at the woman, who I realized was only a couple of years older than him.

She shook her head. "I'm just the chaperone, darling, I'm not here to eat. In fact, I'll be sitting over here." She moved casually towards the band, and took one of the seats next to the stage, though she did keep her eyes on Manny, and us.

I grinned at him. "Well well well! What would Rafaela say, Manny?"

He grinned. "She'd give me a half-hour lecture on how to properly please a more experienced woman. But moving on! I'll get you your drinks, and then you can order, Alright? Cool." He sauntered away, speaking quietly with one of the hostesses.

I chuckled when she approached Maria, and quietly informed her that her meal had been comped by an anonymous party. "Cute, but a bit obvious." I hummed.

"I think it's sweet of him." Zetre smiled.

"And I agree, just if you're going to be 'anonymous', don't be so obvious." I shrugged.

He hummed. "True, but I think he just wants a topic to start a conversation with her about. Smart. Speaking of, how is the war amongst your cousins going?"

"Mostly finished, actually, now that the Gobi and Alexandria hideouts are gone. A few stragglers, loose threads that need trimming, but nothing major, besides the fact that Set-Apep is after me now. I wonder what he thinks I stole, actually... I'm not a thief." I sighed.

He smiled. "I believe you, but seeing as he called himself True Pharaoh in the same breath, I don't think logic has much to do with it."

I laughed. "Too right..."

Manny arrived with our drinks, and then switched places with a woman, while he went to take Maria's order.

I laughed again, softer. "Ooh, he's being bold tonight, good for him! Go, Manny, Go!"

The female server smiled. "You know Manny well?"

"Brother-in-Law, soon enough. Our parents are engaged, I think. Or just dating, who knows? Doesn't really matter, he's family now." I shrugged.

"Ahh, I see. Well! What'll we be having tonight? The specials are, of course, our world-famous Spicy Turtle Soup, or the Sea-Basket, which is a collection of Lobster, Crawfish, Mussels, and Scallops, over a bed of pasta and red or white sauce. Both are very spicy, but we can tone it down a bit, if that's not why you're here tonight?" She grinned.

I laughed at Zetre's indignant expression, and patted his hands. "Calm down, you can eat your crazy spicy food all you want, but I'm telling you, Cajun Spice is different from Spanish Spice!"

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