2-9: Camelot Calling

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.^^ Gene, ~younger Delia~ ^^

— James —

I hummed uncomfortably, and then panicked when they all actually started leaving. "Wait, What do I-"

"Hey, you didn't want any lectures." Mum shrugged casually.

"Ouch, that's cold... but well-deserved..." I sighed.

"At least you know that you owe some apologies." She nodded, and patted my head, leaving with the others.

As soon as they were out of the room, the princess nodded, and sat down on a large cushion across from me. "Lord Grendel is my cousin, actually, my father's third Cousin's son's nephew, or some such bullshite. He's nearly thirty years old, now. I was once physically older than him. When we were younger, he was rather fetching, but age has not been kind to him, in my opinion." She continued on her earlier point thoughtfully.

I blinked slowly. "Oh-Kay... that's a little gross."

She laughed softly, and nodded. "I would agree, having seen him again. In case you were wondering... Your family should retreat to the solar, if they wish to at least give the illusion they're not eavesdropping." She smirked, and I heard some laughs and chuckles in the back room.

She nodded again, and rubbed her hands together casually. "So! Let's start with a game of 7 Questions, Yeah? Get to know each other? You learn about my realm, I learn about yours?"

I sighed, rubbing my temples. "Yeah, sure... as soon as my headache stops... it's making me ridiculously irritable, and I don't know why..."

"Ahh, that's the Field around the castle which holds out evil Spirits. You are a Spirit Creature, are you not? A God?" She asked.

"Yes, newly born from the fires of the Egyptian Land of the Dead..." I sighed.

Her eyes widened. "Newly Born?!? How old are you?" She asked warily.

"I turn Sixteen in... Hmm... two days? Though my soul has been into the sands of time, when I fought Xian-She after freeing her little batteries, You amongst them, and my memories of that time are a bit blurred, so really there's no telling." I shrugged.

She chuckled, relieved. "Oh, I was worried you were a newborn in an adult's body! That would be unacceptable... but, I, too, have weathered millennia in the Sands of Time, only to find myself back in a teenager's body, with little memory of my experience. Invigorating, isn't it? Terribly rejuvenating." She sighed.

"I would hope so... my turn, for a question... how do I shut off the headache?" I asked urgently.

"Oh, I suppose you can't... it's old magic, the strongest there is in this realm, designed and cast by Merlin Himself, to protect us from any spiritual force, regardless of how powerful it is. The barrier gets stronger, the more you muck about with it." She shrugged.

I grinned. "Ahh, Merlin... Let's see if he can stop me, shall we?" I closed my eyes, and summoned my entire arsenal; my Blood-Magic, my godly essence, my spirit and soul, Cat-Scratch, and all the weapons I'd been hoarding to sell, and once I had it all, I felt for the barrier that was pulling on it, pushing against the stuff I was trying to absorb.

A thought occurred, that I didn't want to destroy their entire barrier, even though I was likely capable of doing so, and I pulled back, then simply went around the barrier, my portal working it's particular magic; an entirely successful endeavor, even though a blaring anthrax-alarm began to go off immediately.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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