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Third persons POV

Mystery Shack•

The shocked duo stared wide eyed at Mabel. Dipper is currently having internal breakdown once he had a clear once over in their situation.

Mabel's eyes bore suspiciously at Bill. You could practically hear the gears in her mind turning and clicking and for Bill sometimes it was quite literal. After a long suspending silence Mabel spoke.

"Who the pig gods are you?!?!" Mabel exclaimed backing away from the two. She knew what he was after a long , very long explanation on how to identify demons down by Gruncle Ford. Mabel took another once over on the demon. Sure he was devilishly handsome but looks could be deceiving. She then set her sights on the kitten in the demons arms , the poor thing is probably going to be tortured by the demon. Mabel then shifted her thoughts , could this demon be good? She knew not to judge being because of their species, take multi bear for an example. The huge beast was presumed to be wild but then he and Dipper had a bonding moment through 'Disco Girl'. Unfortunately Gruncle Ford and Stan were in the forest gathering ingredients for something Ford was making for experiments , she'd have to call them.

" Are you a good or bad demon?" Mabel questioned quickly shifting her gaze back to the demon trying to buy time.

The demon looked at her with a calculating gaze. Which scared the young lady a bit, his eyes turned into familiar slits. Damn, she knew those eyes well. But could it really be him , lost in her thoughts she stared on the wall ahead subconsciously she rubbed her nose as a nasty habit of being with her brother too long. Dipper....

" Maybe" Was the cryptic answer which jolted the female awake from her jumble thoughts.

" Bill?" Was her reply. Which was answered by a wide smile reaching his eyes. Bill laughed his signature echoey voice, he looked at Mabel before looking at the kitten in his arms.

" Salutations shooting star!" Bill greeted, gripping the feline tighter in his arms. He knew shooting star would immediately yell for sixer if she knew it was really him. But he couldn't do anything now , she already figured his identity out. What probably gave him away were his slit eyes which sometimes come out when he felt threatened , and that thought kind of amused him it was like he was an animal.

Perhaps he was , perhaps he was not. It really depend on others perspective on him.

Meanwhile Dipper could feel a slight tremble on bills arms. He looked up at Bills surprised. Could the all knowing dream demon be scared?


Dipper attempted, hoping that he heard him. Fortunately Lady Luck was on his favor.

Yes Pinetree?

Are you ok ?

Yes. Why? Was his reply

Your shaking....Dipper trailed

With that pointed out Bill froze. He was? He dipped his head to look at his companion again. Damn it, he was. Honestly emotions and feelings are complicated and most unpredictable. He knew why he was scared , he could guess why. He was scared of dying permanently.

" How are you back?!"

Bill snapped his gaze back towards shooting star. And only replied with a cryptic answer.

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