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Third persons POV

• Somewhere deep inside the forest•

Two twin figures fluidly walked pass the large trees, one wearing a brown coat , grey fitted sweater and slacks the other wearing a suit and his digitize fez hat.

The six fingered elder clutched a open journal with a 4 , his other hand expertly gliding through the pages in search of the same an exact page he had written the ingredients on. The other man slightly panted as he followed his brother through the onslaught of pine trees.

" Hey Ford, are we almost there? These old mans legs aren't what they use to be you know." He complained , stopping by a tree and leaning on it while wiping his sweat covered forehead .

" We're almost there Stanley. We only need two more of those rare glowing flowers." Ford muttered loud enough to be heard by Stan. " Come on , we're wasting daylight. If we hurry we might be back to the shack in an hour or two."

" Ugh, wish the kid was still alive. Then I'd be lounging in my chair right now, watching Ducktective, while they do the work." Stan whispered under his breath inaudible to his occupied twin. But before he could push himself up Stan heard the shrill beeping of his brother phone.

Ford closed the journal and pushed it between his left arm and side. He grabbed his phone from his coat pocket and looked at the caller I.d. confirming it was his niece before pressing the green button and seething the device beside his ear.

" Hello Mabel is there something you need ?" Ford questioned. He waited for a few seconds before hearing muffled movement and the clicking of the line being cut. Confused Ford stared at his phone before turning to face his twin.He felt a chill go up his spine, he had a feeling something was wrong. Ford then dialed his niece back but received no answer. He tried again but the result was the same.

" Ford? What's wrong pointdexter?" Stan asked worriedly , finally managing to   push himself to face his brother. He saw him examining his phone with a confuse expression.

" I don't know Stanley, but I have a bad feeling with this sudden call from our niece ." Ford whispered , paranoia was seeping through his mind.

" How about we go back to the shack and check on her ? Let's grab a drink while we're at it and continue this hunt tomorrow?" Stan suggested , hopeful that his paranoid brother would agree to his suggestion. He saw his brother bod , and mentally rejoiced. They then continued to walk back to the shack.

Fords frown went unnoticed by his brother , something was wrong and he couldn't pinpoint what.

•Back in the Mystery Shack•

" Anyway it was nice meeting you Pines but we have business to attend to Ta!ta!"

As Bill uttered those words Mabel plunged forward attempting to grasp the poor kitten in Bills grasp. But she was a second too late, Bill had already vanished along with the feline in the demons tight grip.

Mabel layer sprawled on the floor staring blankly on the ceiling her back against the floor. Seeing that their daughter wasn't going to be moving anytime soon  Sheryl and Michael rushed to pull their daughter upright. With Mabel in their arms they gently set her down on the sofa.

Sheryl rubbed circles on Mabel's back attempting to snap their daughter out of her shocked daze. While her husband reached for the miraculously unspilled lemonade. Slowly he set the cool drink in from if Mabel.

They knew that it want the time to talk about what happened just yet. They had to wait for their daughter to calm down before they tell them who the man was and why he was here. So as parents they waited patiently for their daughter to open up to them.

Meanwhile Mabel attempted to gather her bearings, it was finally time to tell her parents what was really in Gravity falls and her and her brothers pass with that demon. Most of the creatures in the forest were surprisingly calm for the pass few weeks, which is probably caused by Dippers abrupt death. The young deceased teen had made quite a few friends in that forest, some may still be mourning especially multi bear. Even the gnomes were sad , but that didn't stop their usual mischief. They even got caught by her parents , but being new here in this town they dismissed them as little children and gave them cookies.

Taking deep and calming breaths Mabel sat up straight , reaching out for the drink in front of her and gulped it down. After finishing she gently set the glass back down, taking another deep breath and gathering up all her courage before speaking.

" It's time to tell you the truth about Gravity falls."

Her parents stared at her with curiosity. But before the 15-year old could say anything else the front door slammed open. Two similar pair of footsteps  came rushing in towards the living room.

" Mabel!? What's wrong?" Stan asked worriedly , taking in her physical state. His niece usually well kept hair was all over the face , and she looked distraught.

" I'm fine Grunkle Stan" Mabel responded a bit weakly her confidence suddenly depleting.

" Sweetie, when a woman says she's fine it usually means shes not. Learned that the hard way, got a black eye." Stan chuckled out, even though he knew it was not the right time.

" Stanley's right Mabel, what wrong?" Ford repeated behind his twin, setting a hand on her shoulder.

Mabel sighed looking up to her Gruncles, it was time to break the news.

" Bills back." She said evenly, there was no beating around the bush. They had to solve on how to get rid of the pesky demon.

There was a minuet of silence and when Ford had decided to open his mouth Sheryl beat him to it. Rising from her seat she faced everyone she crossed her arms and her face contorted into an annoyed expression.

" Mabel dear , what did you mean by the the truth of Gravity Falls?" She asked slowly tapping her feet like a mother asking her guilty child where the cookies in the jar went. Although the first part was correct , somewhat.

Ford looked at his niece,as if to ask 'Why?' With furrowed eyebrows.

" It's time to tell them Grunkle ford, we've been stalling long enough. They've already seen Bill, who has human form." Mabel said solemnly looking down unable to keep gaze on her Grunkles eyes.

" Bill has...." Ford started to mumble to himself. Stanley had taken it upon himself to explain everything to her parents while Ford began to pace , cupping his chin in unconsciously. You could practically hear the gears turning in his mind.

For now they knew they had to do one thing and that is to....

Ready themselves for a battle with a sadistic demon.


Ok here's another chapter, hope you guy like it. And I thank you reader for the views and votes you have blessed me with.

Sorry for the errors , I'll fix them when I have some time to spare.

Thank you for your understanding  my fellow watty's

Diva out~❤️❤️❤️❤️👍

Love you guys!

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