=24= Insecurities

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Third Persons POV

Lucitor Castle● Throne Room●

" W-hat? T-tom?" Warm brown eyes surveyed what had happened. All he could remember was a blinding flash of light then he was floating, feeling powerful.

His eyes then slid beside, the handsome and devilish man. A light blush dusted the young Queens cheeks as hetecromatic eyes opened one a deep and soulful blue and the other splashed with a beautiful gold and silver flecks his , what his instincts told him, King was absolutely stunning.

Some would think that his arms would be a hinder in his beauty but in his eyes they complimented the man's persona well. His face darkened further when those hypnotizing eyes turned their gaze to him.

His kingship smiled toothily at the queen before hardening his gaze , taking his queens hand on his own and raising it , by their newly gained instinct they turned towards the royal couple in the corner and spoke.

" Rise overseeirs of Hell, as this kingdom was bestowed upon you by the True Ones millenias ago . " The king shifted his gaze towards the four, not caring if they were his blood, law is law, betrayal leads to death.

" Yes, it is what my king speaks, but to ascend to our thrones we must acquire objects that was left among the overseers of the 3 world. Many True Royals have not acquired them with their lack of worth. We hope that we may be the ones to win them, after a millenia of defects." The queen smiled.

The four looked amongst each other knowing the test ahead.

" So lowly demons, let the games begin."  The king smirked, with a snap of his fingers a bright light once again enveloped the room before disappearing without a sound.

Eyes landed on the pair before them, crumpled on the ground.

They all rushed towards the two,  gently hauling them with their magic and transporting them..

The young ones didn't speak, knowing full well that it was definitely not the time.

The queen cleared her throat " Children , since you children have seen that, and it would be cruel to alter your memories. After all, we are not as magically inept as wizards in the mind magics. Let us discuss this in the parlor at the garden."
She smiled and ushered the three. Towards the mentioned room.


He nestled he nose deeper into his warm pillow, he squeezed his body closer to the warmth. He made no move to leave, his exhaustion weighing onto him. His sleepy mind did not register anything when his body pillow groaned and squirmed. Dipper huffed and circled both his legs and arms tighter onto the firm pillow, his mind supplied a picture of a koala hugging a tree, much to his amusement.

He felt something card through his hair, he let out a contented moan in appreciation. He pressed his head closer to the warm appendage ,looking for more of the fulfilling warmth.

He pressed his ear on his pillow there he heard the soft thump of what sounds like a muffled footsteps, no... a heart?


He shot upright he felt like he would have broke his neck due to the whiplash . He stared at the man blinking dumbly at him. Those golden eyes peered at him, they held a warmth that made dippers heart almost break out of its cage.

Taking a deep breath," Bill, why are we in bed? Together?" Dipper spoke, in a authorative voice he didn't know he had. It suprised him, the conviction and softness in his voice was so foreign to him.

" I don't know Pintree ,why don't we ask mother?" Dipper heard Bill speak, he noticed the demons voice dropped a few octaves, it suited the demon. His new voice made did not made Dipper tingle, not at all.

" Of course, since were still dressed let's go." Dipper got up from his position and waited for the demon to stand.

He knew he acted too calm, a little too calm for someone like him. He faught the blush from swallowing his whole face. It had finally sunk in, he slept in the same bed as Bill. Bill Cipher, dios mio.

He dwindled his thumbs as Bill and him started to walk towards the door and in a comfortable silence, they walked towards the parlor in the gardens. Bills magic helped in locating them. 

Dipper can only vaguely remember what happened , they were talking about...? He couldn't remember... but he knew it was something important and he had the feeling that this would decide his fate with Bill. He took a peek at the demon beside him.

Bill did not show any indication he remembered what happened at all, he could guess that its because of his mini rampage earlier.

When they opened the doors, six figure sat in plush chairs sipping tea and eating biscuits. When they all noticed the two the adults immediately bowed, falling on their knees. The younger pair beside the adults bowing a faltered with reluctance when they themselves bowed.

Both Bill and Dipper looked startled at the action. Dipper quickly composed himself, his king following after.

This innocent thought had Dipper flaming inside. His heart went right up his throat.

His? King? His King???

What the hell.

This couldn't be, though he vaguely remembered himself saying those words earlier it puzzled the young queen greatly.

His heart held a new and unfamiliar soft spot that the demon has unknowingly burrowed himself in, but... not remember Dipper he almost killed you, your family, and the entire population of Gravity Falls.

He has changed for the better, and has changed his ways. But dipper can just forget that , even its just a thing of the past. Of course, he has forgiven the demon for all that, for all he has done for the young man . But he just can't...Bill is just too much for him.Bills sins is easy to bypass, but what of his friends? His family? What has Gravity Falls say about this new development.

His sister would either support or shun him. Same for Grunkle Stan.

But his Great uncle Ford? That's a entirely different story.

He once again glanced up at the demon family, then to Bill. Bill was just too bright and misunderstood, that the people may not listen to him if word ever got out. His looked down onto himself.






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