=21= Mine

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And to others who have wished for Tomco. This chapter is dedicated to you guys.

● Hell ●Lucitor Castle

Third Persons POV

After that short welcome, Dipper was quickly ushered towards the dizzying halls of the welcoming yet terrifying all the same, castle. He stood beside the purple skinned demon who greeted him earlier, since he had yet to know their names.

His chocolate orbs flickered towards the floating dream demon, honestly he didn't actually knew what ultimately compelled him to follow the demons or more specifically,Bill.

Now that he thought about it, since the end of Weirdmaggedon gaps on his mind and memories felt off. It was like something was missing from it, like someone had used that memory gun. But he was pretty sure that it was destroyed and no one had the power to do this except maybe Bill.

Throughout the years these gaps had been frustrating and distressing, because if he ever tried to remember static and an ache would appear. But he learned to live with it after a year he'd also managed to keep himself busy with schoolwork and family that he forgot all about it until now. With all the time in his hands right now, he'd probably be thinking more on it later.

"So, what's the one word thet comes into your mind to describe my unconscious cousin?"

So they're cousins


A blanket of silence covered the group, with the exception of the clicks of their shoes and the soft hum of magic surrounding Bill.

That is until a deep snicker broke the frail entity.

"Were going to get along just fine Dipper. Tom,Prince Tom Lucitor, sole heir to Hell."

Most people would consider this as a indication of arrogance and a 'i'm higher than you' air with how Tom had said it with confidence bordering arrogance. Toms smile would what you would consider as a threatening one with his sharp teeths showing, but to Dipper he could see a glimmer of hope and anxiety.

Hope for a friend and the anxiety of another regection.

Dipper made sure that the surprise didn't show on his face, because surely a prince as handsome as he would have a entire kingdom of friends.  He guessed everyone had problems, of course other the problems from menial tasks.

Dipper just smiles with crow feet on the  corner of his eyes. " Its nice to meet you Tom. Excuse me if this is any offence, but what kind of demon are you?"

" None taken bro, its ok to be casual i'm not one of those stuck up princes from human history." They both chuckled and continued to talk animatedly as they continued to walk around the twisting halls of the castle.


They finally stopped by a door, it had polished silver handles. Bill's mother whose name according to Tom is Evangeline Cipher, twisted the silver handle and opened the unknown room.

Dipper could do nothing but gape at the beautiful room. A 2 plush royal blue love seats stood at the far corner of the room, facing from what the stunned boy could tell was a lavish fireplace. And beside one loveseat was a large window and on that window was a soft fluffy looking window seat with comfy looking pillows that his sister would probably kill for.

At the center of the room was a small couch, facing a large flatscreen tv with a medium sized glass coffee table with a peculiar potted plant at the center and a small pile of books beside it. The remote was laid innocently on top of the pile of books. And by the far left corner was a queen sized bed with royal blue duvets, and with soft lime green pillows that dominated the top of the bed. There were two other doors which Dipper could guess was a walk in closet and probably a bathroom.

" Welcome to your room for the time being, Mason Pines. "

Dipper barely registered what Bills father said , who he could now call in his head as Death.

" Th-this is m-me-mine???" He stuttered , modeling a look of disbelief.

" Don' t resist Dip,or you'll never hear the end of it." Tom muttered loud enough for only him to hear.

With a hesitant nod, Dipper went in the room. Though he kinda felt a bit inferior with all these important people with him.

" Ok, dear would you mind if we set Bill down her for an hour or two because Bill hasn't been home for a millenia except for the occational visits on important events. So you could guess that his room is quite the mess. We haven't even manage to clear the weirdness in there from back he was still a kid..." Eve chuckled at the fond memory of her son when he was still so dependent on his parents, he was very cute back then.

" Its fine ma'am."

" Oh Mason, no need to call me ma'am. Just call me Eve, since your going to be staying here for a while. Might as well get to know each other right?" Eve smiled at the cute and handsome boy in front of her.

Oh, yes respectful and has good manners this boy would definitely keep my son on the line. He's already hooked, all that's left is to break the seal.

Unknown to the womans somewhat devious thought Dipper only smiled and nodded.


Tom smiled and closed the doors, then he turned to his mother.

" Is there anything you need help with mother?"

The queen looked down at her weary son and sighed.

" Tom, sweetie its been a long day. We',ll take care of Bills room. While you go to yours and get some sleep." She stated firmly.

The young demon prince knew better than to disobey his mother, he nodded and dragged his sore feet towards his room after his beloved running away from him and this quickly following after he think he deserved a few hours of sleep.

Once entering his room, he bee lined towards his bed. He was already getting comfy in the soft bed when his mirror rang. Struggling to keep the groan from escaping he ran to the mirror and answer looking fierce from the lack of sleep.


He stared at the blonde Mewni princess in her usual outfit and devil horn headband. He couldn't help but glare at her for disturbing him fire almost erupted from his body when he remembered his calming coach.

'1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and breath'

" Sorry, what is it Star?" Although the grumble was still there, the glare was not so he thought that was a great improvement.

Star Butterfly only blinked before babbling on about her new adventure.

Tom was barely listening before a creak from inside the mirror stole his attention. Behind Star a beautiful hoodie clad boy stepped into stars room asking for something.

Star turned towards the brunett before talking to him. They seem to forget the pinkett in the mirror who looked wide eyed at the beautiful boy.

He was admittedly the cutest creature he's ever seen, with his big brown chocolate eyes, full rosy pink lips, wonderful soft looking cheeks, smooth and soft hair, and that cute mole that accented his whole face.He growled in recognision

Utterly Beautiful

The two looked at him alarmed at the feral and possessive look he had on his face.

Tom touched the mirror in attempt to get closer but he and his inner demon growled louder in frustration.


Star only smirked.

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