=22= Comfortable

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Third Persons POV

Lucitor castle● Dippers Bedroom●

Warm brown eyes glanced at the unconicious demon set uncomfortably on his loveseat. Bills arms were bent in a odd angle, it made Dipper wonder if the demon would laugh or yelp at the pain. But considering the demon factor, then Bill would most likely laugh at his odd predicament.

Sighing tiredly at the sight, he took a few steps forward and managed to swoop Bill into his arms in a awkward bridal position. The young teen let out a small 'oof' at the demons weight, because despite Bills lithe frame he weighed like a rock. 

Grunting slightly in discomfort he half carried and half dragged the demon towards the queen sized bed and with the lack of better word, threw Bill on the bed. His limbs remained askew, sighing again Dipper slipped on the bed and kneeling beside the slumbering oaf and fixed him up until he laid properly on bed.

The teen swung his legs to get of the bed , but mind swing his was forcefully tugged towards a warm surface. His back was against a soft and moving surface, just then and there Dippers mind exploded into a mini supernova.

"Bill.... ge-get off me!" He squeaked.

Quiet Pine tree... let...s...just... sleep...

A soft voice whispered in his mind, stifling a gasp Dipper just stopped his struggling and huffed, but his face flared more turning the ever adorable teen even cuter.

Soft touches traced his forehead, it only took Dipper a few milliseconds to turn to a ever brighter shade of scarlet.

"S-stop that..." Dipper grumbled embarassingly, he huffed and puffed his face.

Don't be like that Pintree, I know you like it... hehe...now... sleep.

A soft blue glow swirled around the fingers Bill had pressed against his forehead.

Then darkness took over.


Lucitor Castle● Tom's Room●

Darkening eyes flared passionately as they stared at the brunette across the mirror. He took a step, then another and another and just when he was right in front of the mirror,  he clutched the mirror tightly creating spider webbed cracks.

" Beloved mate... Marco...Mine... my darling..."

These words kept on repeating again and again in his mind, though the young prince knew that he should think about before accepting him, he was the one that made him and Star break up. But looking at the shocked flushed face of his darling he couldn't help it, he couldn't help,  but feel the pull.

He absolutely needed to get him, have him, love him.

His Little Marco

"Whoa there hotshot." A feminine voice cut in.

The Mewni Princess placed her hands on her hips and proceeded to do a sassy pose which Tom knew too well. But never the less his instincts urged him to growl, and growl he did.

He sounded absolutely vicious, like a savage nothing like the laid back boy with the occasional temper. But then he heard a whimper, a small yet noticeable one from his love.

The flare of anger softened in Toms eyes and he started to coo at his beloved, demonic instincts taking over fully, now he acted more like an animal than a royal but he didn't care all he wanted now was to calm his beloved down.

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