=16= Truths Revealed

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Third Person's POV

Lucitor Castle•

Bill,  along with the rest of his family elegantly swept down the eery halls of the castle leading to the exit. Everyone was quiet except the two women who were chattering off on when to visit Bill, much to the said demons distain.

Bill had tried to tell them that they didn't need to go throuhg the trouble and just let him visit,  but his mother , the stubborn demon, refused ans insisted that they were going to visit,maybe even with Toms fated and the in laws,they has squeeled ,or rather screeched when Toms fated was mentioned.

Bill looked at the corner of his slitted eyes, the two she devils smothering Tom with questions about his fated. He chuckled quietly under his breath at the scandalized expression his poor cousin had since they had been asking personal question now.

Toms misery aside, something has been nagging at him for a while now but again he didnt know what.

As the small crowd neared the exit they stopped ,after bidding Bill goodbye and promises to visit Bill snapped his fingers and home he went.

Location shift
• Mystery Shack• Fords lab•

Third Persons POV

Ford stepped into his dusty lab,successfully escaping another argument Stan and he anually done. He sighed,  feeling irritated of his twin.

He took a few steps in when he noticed a dark lump on his nephews table. His eyes glassed at the reminder that his study buddy nephew was never coming back . Sucking a enourmus breath,  he gathered his bearings.

He went further and sat on a old chair in front of the rickity table.He bent down and closely examined the small furred creature in the corner. Slowly he reacged out and, gently as he could scooped it in hus palms.

Upon noticing the kittens unusual features he recognized it as the kitten Mabel had took out of Bill's house.He had some suspicions on the small feline, how could he be alive and breathing after breathing the sme air as that monster.

With a solid decision that he was going to examine the small kitten, he stood up as softly as he could and walked up his own table, in front of the huge monitor and set the cat down on the table. He rummaged throigh his drawers trying to find the helmet for dwarfs.

When he felt the smooth curve of the small helm, he grabbed it and pulled the small thing up. His six-fingered hand reached for the cord attached to the monitor he set the small device on the felines head and continued to type away.

Images began to flash on the screen. One made his whole bieng freeze,and heart skip a beat. On the screens oeripheral vision showed the Pines celebrating the childrens 13th birthday. It was easily poinyed out based on their injuries. A voice then whispered.

' Finally Its Over' Then suddenly Mabel turned to the screen and yelled " HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO-BRO!!!"

His breath became labored, with shaking hands he quickly ched the settings and hia blood ran cold at the sight.


The wheels in his head started to turn. Sparing a quick and shaky glance at the sleeping kitten. How in mabels juice did this happen and in such a short time. Though he has his doubts, but there was no other expalaination for this. But he needed more information to confirm, he streched his fingers out and got ready since he knew that he was pulling an all nighter on this one, andrenaline fueled him and he began typing away.

Location shift•Bills House•

Bill landed in front of his house looking happy. But it was cut short as soon as he saw the front door slightly ajar, and he was sure that his kitten would not be able to reach it.

Red started to tint the corners of his hair and his eyes turned to slits. Growling, he marched inside and scoured the place for any living thing other than himself. After finding nothing he cursed.

Brrathing deeply he chanted under hus breath and whwn he opened his eyes colors flowed on monochrome. Auras, these color tracks were auras of things that has been in here. Upon noticing the goldish brown, redish brown, and glittery pink aura he knew where to find his beloved.

Pines Get Ready to Face A Demons Wrath!

Without a second thought he snapped his fingers and appeared in the Mystery Shack premises. Slowly he floated nearer only to be pushed back.


They had activated the barrier. Without any other options, he banged loudly on the wall.

" PINES!!! Give him back!" He yelled his voice dopping down an octave.

Mabel, who was seatching for the kitten , was startled out of her search when she heard the loud shout of a familiar demon. Gasping, she dashed outside while also hearing the heavy thuds of the foofalls of her Grunkles, parents,  Soos,  and Wendy. Though it was a little pass there time, they had stayed to hang out and guard the shack when they were not there, even with the protection of the barrier it was better to be safe than sorry.

When she arrived on the porch, she was greeted with a raging demon pounding on the shield. When the family and her friends arrived they gaped at the still raging demon.

"GiVe HiM bAcK, PINES!!!"  Bill yelled, anger lacing his voice venomously. His eyes were blazing when he stared at the Pines,along with Red and Question Mark.

Realization dreched two of the group, leaving the others to look confused.  Only Mabel was confused as to why Bill would go to such  lengths to get the kitten.

" Were not giving him back to you Cipher!"

Bill let out a roar, before he looked back at the meatsacks. They were going to regret this. They had no right,to keep his beloved away from him.

Just as he was going to send a barrage of attacks he heard the sweet chime of his lovers current form.

" Meow...?"

Bill... What's??....?

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