=27= Plead

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Third Persons POV

● Royal Room 666● Hospital●Hell●

Slow shallow breaths was the only thing heard inside the lavishly decorated room. The beautiful interior could not distract the melancholic demons surrounding a large bed, where a bruised and battered body lay.

Scratches, bruises, broken bones, lost teeth, and broken skin that once littered the small teen's body were all erased with a simple snap of their fingers. But what they couldn't heal was the mental and emotional trauma the human suffered. The mind is a fragile place, especially for humans. Even though Dipper is exceptionally strong-willed, it was almost impossible for a young human such as him to not have any detrimental wounds. The poor mortal had taken refuge in the only place he could hide in his moment of desperation, his own mind, it was not in any of their area of expertise, that type of power lay on Eva's son. He had the power of the mind and dreams, he was the only one able to pull his own mate from the shackles of his own mind.

She looked at the broken man that sat beside the bed. His hair the messiest it's ever been, his pristine golden suit had holes and scratches on it, of which she knew he got from capturing, almost killing the demon that put his mate into this state, tear tracks stained his face, and his bright eye held a dullness she never saw before.

Eva wanted to reach out to her son, to comfort him like any mother would do. But she knew those shadows behind the dullness of his eyes, where the darkness was hiding. Anything could trigger that uncontrollable monster from within. So she couldn't risk it, especially now, with her sons mate needing Bill more than ever before. The only thing to do now was wait, wait until her son had calmed down. Time was a constraining foe. How she wished her little Beast was here. He was always the harsh truth of the situation. Which was exactly what they currently needed, since everyone didn't want to address the elephant in the room.

Then wait again for him to realize that Dipper wasn't coming back on his own. That his mortal mate was trapped in his own cycle of agony. Again, they would wait for him to calm down, and realize that he was the only one with the power to help his mate. Only then will the woman step in, but only as an assurance. Encouragement, that he will save Dipper. She wouldn't lie and say this was none of their faults. But say that if they had the power to fix things they would. But for them they could do nothing, but for Bill he had the power to fix it all if he'd just try.

It's going to be a slow process, it agonizing, it's cruel, but it's the only way for her son to learn and grow from this. There was no need to coddle him. Every action had its consequence, even those consequence have consequences, and this was his challenge to overcome. Not hers, they could only hope for the best for they are only puppets in mother Fate's hands.

The suffering mother felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked over her shoulder and bit her lip harder than intended. Blood dripped from the new wound, and she took refuge in her husband's arms.

They left quietly, knowing fully well that at that moment, Bill was a ticking time bomb.


Bills sat beside the bed, his spine hunched in a painful angle but he didn't find it in himself to care. Dull eyes shifted around his loves flawless form, a heart wrenching contradiction to how he looked previously, barely two hours ago. He felt like his soul was sucked out of him, he tried to stop any tears from straying onto his cheeks, but traitors as they were, salty droplets of water fell full force. He stayed in this state for an hour until they healed him, slowly his sobs had ceased. Now, he felt like a hollow shell of the demon he once was.

He stared at his beloved's pale and unmoving hand, his desire to hold it almost unbearable. He wishes he could beg and plead, ask that he was alright, right? Earlier was just a dream right? It was just a creation of his own subconscious right? His Pine tree was just sleeping right? He's just dreaming happy dreams about mythical creature's right? Then his darling would wake up and greet him with the teen's warm eyes and gentle smile, right? They were just playing a prank right? His parents were just great actors right? Those tears are fake right?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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