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Staring out at the sky, Steve wondered what he could possible do now.. His best friend was in Wakanda and he had no idea where Natasha was. The trusth was the only thing that could settle Steve's restless heart was Natasha.

All he wanted was Natasha. It had been a week since Sam, Wanda and Steve had left Wakanda. Meaning it had been a week since he found out Natasha had left with out a trace. Which also means it has been a week and he still hasn't done anything about it.

He was breaking, and no one or nothing could piece her back together but Natasha.
"Steve, are you okay?" Steve lifted his head enough to see Wanda standing behind him. Steve just looked at her before turning back to the window.

"i am fine." He said flatly.

"Steve, you have been a huge mope. You haven't smiled in weeks. i don't even remember what it looks like." Wanda said. Wanda and Steve were like siblings. they had a special bond, not a romantically bond but a family bond.

"I have no reason to smile anymore. Why should i smile? She was my smile Wanda and knowing that i hurt her, it just isn't a reason to smile. "

"Steve i get you are hurting

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"Steve i get you are hurting. But think about it, you did this all-"

"Can everyone quit saying that! I know i did it to protect her. but look how that turned out. She has lost everything and is on the run alone. No one can understand how much that hurts so please just leave i need some time alone." He said in a harsh sad voice. Wanda sighed and got up. There was no getting threw to Steve. At least not today.


Natasha awoke up in Fury's underground bunker. It was nice for a secrete hid from the government place. She sat up in bed. To be completely honest she had probably only gotten four hours of sleep in the last week.

She had gotten so use to sleeping with Steve's arms around her, so sleeping alone in a cold bed. Natasha opened her door and walked out of the room. She came down and saw Maria and Fury having breakfast. it was a weird sight to see those two acting...normal.

"Look who is joining us." Fury said. Natasha gave him a fake smile. "God girl you look like hell."

"thank you Fury, you know exactly how to talk to women." She said and Fury shook his head.

"Look Natasha i think you need to punch something." Maria said. "so i got you some punching dummies"

"Maria what the hell are you talking about?" Natasha asked taking a piece of toast. She was about to grab the jam however it brought a memory. It was when she would make Steve and her toast, he would drown her toast in Jam. So she pushed it aside and grabbed the butter.

"Hello dearies!" Someone yelled walking into the room. Natasha looked and saw Bobbie walking into the room. "I need something to drink right now."

"Clint." She said in a hushed voice. she didn't exactly know where the two stood at the moment. He walked passed her and went to grab a beer.

"Clint it seven in the morning." Maria rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. and i am not a dummy. for your information i know a lot of things."

"Yeah like how to shoot arrow, and make very annoying kids. other then that Barton. you have nothing." Maria said.

"Hey! Anyways i didn't come here to talk to you. So Natasha." he said turning his gaze to the red head who was biting into her toast. "Can we talk for a moment?"

"well i have nothing better to so yeah, " She said. He nodded and told her to follow him out to the back. "Look Clint i want to say i am"

"Don't apologize please." Clint said. "look i need to tell you something. I heard what happened between you and Steve." He said taking a deep breath. "it is stupid honestly that you two are broken up because you guys are the definition of perfect couple. But hey i need to give you this." Clint took out a note that was in his pocket. "Steve, gave it to me when he rescued me. he gave said if i came into contact with you before he did then to give you this." He held out the letter and Natasha just looked at it. "He is hurting Natasha."

"Yeah? So am i."

"just take the letter. I know he wanted to say it in person but the fact that you are in hiding and i only found you because Maria gave me coordinates. I don't think he will find you any time soon. So read the letter. i do have to go Laura is waiting." Natasha reluctantly took the letter and gave Clint a hug goodbye. "Oh and this is for you." He handed her a burner phone and left.

she stared at the letter in her hands. Why should she open this? What could he possibly have to say to her everything. A tear fell from her face and landed on the letter. She didn't even notice she was crying. Wiping the tear she sat and on the floor. she opened up the letter.

Dear Natasha,

I would say I'm sorry but I know I owe you so much more than that. I could write it in a letter, send it to your house, and there's still that chance that you'd throw it away without reading it. I could say it to you in person, but the mere sight of me might cause you to run away. I'm sorry that these are the responses I elicit from you because of how much of an idiot I've been. But please, if you happen to stumble upon this or you read enough of this letter before you decide to delete it from your phone and your life, remember that I know I've made a huge mistake. I'm sorry for There's nothing but unbearable pain in knowing that you're angry at me. And I can feel that it's the type of anger that might tip you over the edge enough to leave me. And I can't have that. I can't live the rest of my life knowing that I've met the most incredible woman in the world and I let her go because of my own stupidity. I know I can be careless and distant. I know that these things have made you feel like I don't love you. But I do love you. I want you to know that. I'm sorry that I can't show it to you any better but what I feel for you is something so new and strange to me that I sometimes can't handle it. I'm sorry I haven't been giving you the care and attention you deserve. I promise I'll do better.

You were always that ray of sunshine in my life. When I'm feeling down and glum, you always know the right words to say to me. So whenever I do something that takes the light out of your eyes, it takes the brightness out of my life too. I'm sorry for what I did to make you feel bad. I never mean to hurt you, even though you might think I do. The truth is, I'm sometimes careless with my words and actions that I fail to consider how they'd made you feel. I know that now, and I hope you can give me another chance. Apologizing doesn't mean you're right and I'm wrong. It just means that I value our relationship more than my ego. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make you forgive me. I may not be able to take back what I said and did, but I can say and do things that would make you so happy that you might be willing to forget all the dumb mistakes I've made. This relationship means everything to me. It's our future. And I'm not going to let that go just because I'm not man enough to say sorry. Because i am Sorry. and i do wanna tell you i am sorry. i just need the chance.

If you ever receive this letter then i hope you come find me. i will leave you my number at the bottom of the page. Natasha i am a huge mess without you. i don't deserve you. but i would just like the chance to explain to you how much i love you. If you can please just give me that, i don't deserve it but i would like the chance. My heart is heavy with hurt, those tears are now my hurt. I feel the shame because I now only realize the hurt I caused you! You may never forgive me.I may be too late. You may already be gone. Or should I say that I am the one who may be gone, from your heart. i hope that is not the case.

I will always love you,

Steve Grant Rogers. ( 408-1111-2223)

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