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"Pregnant?" Steve asked. Tony was in the middle of trying to explain his and Pepper's current relationship.

"no, definitely not." Tony said. "we are taking a break." Steve couldn't even try to hide his disappointment. Because despite everything that has been going on between him and Tony, he thought that he would have been a great father. "it's nobody's fault." He said staring Steve in the eyes.

"I'm so sorry Tony, i didn't know." Steve apologized.

"A few years ago i almost lost her. So i trashed all my suits. Then, we had to mop up hydra... Then Ultron..my fault. And then and then and then i ever stopped.Because the truth is i don't wanna stop. i don't wanna loose her. I thought the accords could split the difference...i guess in her defense i a handful. But my dad was a pain in the ass but mom and dad always made it work." He spoke as if it was Steve's problem as well.

"i am glad Howard got married. i only knew him when he was young and single." Steve said recalling the days he thought Peggy and Howard were dating.

"Oh really you two knew each other?-" Before he could finish Steve interrupted him.

"why are you telling me all of this?" Steve asked.

"Look Steve, i know how important Barnes is to you, but that isn't your best friend from the forties. not anymore. And the further and further you go down this road for one man, the more you are going to loose from everyone else in your life."

"what are you talking about?" Steve asked staring at Tony, who was faced away from him.

"i know what it is like to loose someone, someone you thought you would always have with you and by your side. But then you make one horrible choice. you loose everything, even her." Tony said. Steve lifted his gaze from Tony to the red head who stood on the other side of the glass wall. He never set out to hurt her. he never wanted to hurt her. But he had to make a choice that would allow them to live a life in which they wanted. no what someone else wanted.

"i am only doing what i think is right."

"and if you loose her in the process?" Tony asked, Steve didn't want to think about loosing Natasha. Life without would be the most horrible thing imaginable. "Don't do this to her Steve. You both have lost so much in your life time. Don't loose each other." Tony gave good advice when he wanted to. Steve couldn't help but think of the possibility of not going through with his plan. He and Natasha-

He stopped his thoughts when he saw King T'Challa standing very close to Natasha.
"What is he doing here?" Steve asked, jealousy in his voice.

"he asked to watch the interrogation. But you may wanna be weary of him Steve. he is a king. he is good looking. and he is on Natasha's side. and he seems to be cozening up to her quite well." Steve didn't like the look of what was in front of him at all. he wanted to rip out his eyes. He didn't want anyone looking at Natasha the way he looks at Natasha. he didn't want anyone looking at her period.
Even after tony left, Steve still watched Natasha and T'Challa. If he tries anything Steve planned on breaking the glass wall and tackling the guy.


"T'Challa. you are aware i have a boyfriend." Natasha said, noticing he was getting awfully close to her.

"I am well aware Ms. Romanoff. but he was truly a caring man he would be here with you."

"he is kinda held up at the moment. you know the man on the other side of the glass wall who is sending you death looks." Natasha stated. T'Challa looked behind himself at the captain for a second before focusing on Natasha again.

"You and the Captain?"

"Steve. his name is Steve." She said. T'Challa was about to say something but they noticed everyone going into a panic.

the power had gone out and everyone was trying to get eyes on Barnes. Natasha heard Tony speaking with Friday. she excused her self from the king to help.

"Please tell me you brought a suit." Natasha told Tony as they rushed down the hall.

"Sure did it's a lovely tom ford, Three piece two buttons. im a active duty non combat." Tony said. Natasha was getting really frustrated with him, but Sharon interrupted telling them to follow her.

Natasha took note that Steve was no longer sitting still.
"Where is Steve."

"Trying to stop Barnes." Sharon replied coldly.
Down in the main hall, Tony was shooting at Barnes with a device that wouldn't hurt him. trying to get him out of the trance he was in. Bucky took note of this and knocked Tony to the ground. he was also able to to fight Sharon, before Natasha came in. he was in the mist of choking her and Natasha let out a few words.

"You could at least recognize me." Steve saw what was happening and was about to go help her when T'Challa came to her rescue instead. He bit his lip before joining in on the fight. he saw Natasha still on the table having trouble breathing. he ran up to her and looked at her.

"are you okay?" He asked moving the hair from her face. By the look on his face Natasha knew where he was going to go.

"Don't go Steve."

"i am sorry Nat. i hope one day you will understand. i will see you in a few days time." He kissed her face before running off. Tony came up to Natasha.

"he is gone. maybe for good."


"Barnes." He looked at Tony. Ross was giving them 36 hours to bring them in. "Rogers." He looked at Natasha and walked away. "Wilson." He yelled. they were silent after Tony thanked them.

"Natasha i know this is hard. But Steve he is-"

"out of control. i know. i get we have to bring him in. but i can't hurt him Tony. i don't think i ever could."

"Natasha i know how hard this must be, however if it comes down to it i am gonna need you to do the right thing. please." Tony almost begged. Tony never begs. "Only if it comes down to it tho. i will handle everything else."

"Promise me you won't kill him." Natasha asked looking into Tony's eyes. Tony didn't respond to her question. he just moved on. told her he was going to queens. Natasha went to go and speak with T'Challa.

"You know Ms. Romanoff i will stand by your side." T'Challa said. " i will always stand by your side."


"Please just call me T'Challa." He said. "Okoye and i should be getting home. i need to get my suite if i am going to help you. Do you know where they are?"

"of Course i do he is my boyfriend. Besides." She looked to the side of her. the blonde getting in her car at the end of the hall. "I think he is about to get a visit from Goldie over there."

"are you sure you want to do this Natasha? What ever happens there will most certainly not allow you to see your captain the same way."

"do you know something i don't?"

"no. because i suspect you already know what will happen. that hint of sadness in your eyes tells me so." T'Challa said.

"i am hoping that's not so. i should get going tho. She is leaving. which means Steve won't be in the same place for long. When will you be back?"

"By tonight. we will get my suite and i will be by your side." He took he hand.

"thank you T'Challa."

"The pleasure is all mine."

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