Character Descriptions

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Character Descriptions:

Racheal- Dancer, gymnast, martial artist. Strong, lithe, graceful. About 5'3, and a slim figure. Very tan, long chocolate brown hair, with blue eyes. Likes working out, dancing, cooking, and being with her family. Dislikes everything pink, cats, cockroaches, spiders, and extreme pain. Is normally pleasant, but her temper can get the best of her very quickly. Very logical, but sucks at all things technology-wise. Senior in high school, hoping to go to Julliard on full scholarship for ballet. 18 years old.

Charlotte- Racheal's best friend. Strong, graceful, and tall. About 5'8, and solidly built. Pale, black hair, green eyes, Japanese. Has known Racheal since they were both 3. Also a dancer, but prefers cheerleading. Senior in high school, hoping to go to UNY on full scholarship for cheerleading. 18 years old.

Amanda- Racheal's mom. Tan, blond hair, blue eyes. Doctor. 32 years old.

Chris- Racheal's stepfather. White, black hair, brown eyes. Teaches caclculas at Racheal's high school. 33 years old.

Sam- Racheal's stepsister. Tan, blue eyes, full blond hair. The goody-two shoes of Racheal's stepfamily. Can do no wrong according to the rest of the family, excluding Racheal and Sam. Racheal hates her for reasons later explained in the book. 16 years old. Sophomore in high school.

Johnathan- Racheal's stepbrother. Total nerd over Space Hereos. Tall, tan, shaggy blond hair, green eyes. Ladies man. 15 years old.

Amy- Racheal's stepsister. The only one in Racheal's family that Racheal truly cares about. Dancer, gymnast, and DJ. Kind of a bad girl, but maintains good grades. 17 years old.

Other Characters that you probaly know- Raph, Leo, Mikey, Donnie, Splinter, The Shredder, Karai, the various Foot, Kraang, some Purple Dragons, April, Mr. O'Neil, and various others that I will not name at this moment.

A/N: For those of you who don't know me, I have written severl other books, two of which relate to @KikiTMNT's fanfiction. I'm a HUGE stickler for correct grammer/puncation/spelling, so if I miss anything like that, please comment it, so I can fix it. Following me would beneft you all.


DISCLAIMER: I own nothing of TMNT except for my own characters. This is probably a good thing to put in here, as its been two weeks, and I forgot to put it in here.

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