Chapter Fifteen

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Raph's not in a good mood right now. I'm currently hiding behind the couch, as Raph storms around the dojo looking for me.
"Racheal!" He shouts angrily. I'm in so much trouble. I didn't know teasing him would work him up that much, but it's actually pretty funny.
After a couple of hours, my back hurts, so I get up an head to the kitchen. I fill a glass of water, when a strange prickling sensation fills me. I look down to my glass. The image of a huge, black, hairy spider fills my eyes.
"AAAAAAH! SPIDER! GET OFF! GET OFF! GET OFF!" I shriek. I'm pretty sure I dropped the glass by now, but being on the same floor a the spider is still freaking me out. Its not enough. I climb up onto the counter. Nope, still not enough. I climb up on top of the cabinets, breathing hard. Raph comes flying into the kitchen.
"Rach? Where are you?" He asked frantically. I'm right here, is what I want to answer, but I'm currently in a panic attack.
"Spider. Spider. Spider. Spi-"
"Rach? Are you ok?" Raph asks, his face filling my eyesight.
"SPIDER! KILL IT RAPHIE!!" I shriek into his face. He winces, and climbs down. Seconds later, I hear a smack, and the sound of the trash can lid being closed.
"I killed the spider Rach." He said, but I'm not really processing things right now. Panic attacks do that to you. I feel his arms wrap around me, and then I'm weightless. I close my eyes, and then Raph is laying me down on his bed.
"It was just a spider Rach." He said, fighting to keep a smile off his face.
"The so called spider was trying to eat me alive." I reminded him.
"It was 3 inches! It was tiny!" He exclaimed.
"Don't like coackroaches much do you Raph?" I fired back. His face changed to an expression of ultimate terror.

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