Chapter Twelve

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Raph kissed me. The hothead of the family. Kissed me. I'm in shock, until Mikey comes running in.
"Hey dudette, what's up?!" He practically screamed.
"Um, nothing?" I said carefully.
"Was that a question or an answer?" He asked me, confused.
"An answer Mikey. What do you want?" I asked him, hoping he didn't want to play video games. I suck at all of them.
"Nothing, just saying hi. And bye."He said, walking away. I sigh. I hate when people do that-the same goes for mutants. I get up, and go hunting for Raph, finally tracking him down in his room. I slip in silently, shutting the door behind me quietly as well. He's punching his punching bag, and I'm shocked to see that he's crying.
"I'm so stupid...why me...She doesn't want me...." He says to the punching bag. I frown, because that's not the Raph I know.
"Raph?" I call out hesitantly. He immediately stops, and faces me.
"Are you ok?" I ask softly.
"Why do you want to know?" He asks, turning red.
"Because I'm bored. Seriously Raph?! You're crying, mumbling, and you just kissed me! I think I have a reason to know what's going on!" I say angrily. He looks at me for a second, then sighs.
"Fine. I've liked you since you've came here, and when you were on the couch, I kissed you." He said. Perfect, this solved all of my problems.
"Raph, how can you do this to me?! First you act like you hate me, now you tell you me that you like me?!" I say, following the question with a slap to the face. He looks at me, stunned, but he doesn't get a chance to retaliate, because I'm kissing him. It takes him a second to realize this, and he pushes me back slightly.
"Did you just slap me?" He asked, disbelief in his voice.
"Yes. And then I kissed you, which you obviously didn't like." I said, glaring at him.
"Why?" He asked simply.
"You're not the only one who can like people Raph." I said, smirking. He pulled me against him, and I blushed. He cupped my chin with one hand, and brought my face up. He kissed me roughly, his hand making its way into my hair. I kissed him back equally as roughly, my fingers entertwined in the straps of his bandanna. His hand moves slowly through my hair, making its way down my back, and finally resting on my waist. I groan. If he's going to tease me, then I have every right to do it too. I pull away, panting slightly. Smirking, I kiss his cheek, then make my way down his neck. He moans, and I smirk. I found his sweet spot. I nibble slightly, then bite him. He winced, and I kiss the same spot again, soothing the pain. Knowing how hard I bit him, I smirk as I kiss him again. He's going to have a hickey. Our lips move together for a little bit more, me still obsessed with his bandanna. Pretty soon, it's laying on the floor, and Raph' s hand has moved to my stomach. We break away, breathing hard. I hear a giggle, and frown.
"Raph, stop giggling like a girl." I say.
"I'm not." He says, surprised.
"Then who's giggling?" I demand.
"I don't know." Raph says. I turn around to face him, and shriek as a dark shape hurtles right towards us.

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