Chapter Nineteen

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"Now how 'bout you come with us, darling?" The guy said. I mentally named him Jerkhead.
"Aw, that would be great!" Amy exclaimed. I gave her a look, like what-the-heck-is-wrong-with-you. She smirked.
"Unfortunately, that means that you can't have us. You see, none of us are darling." Char snickered.
"Get 'em!" Jerkhead snarled.
"You got it Fong!" His crony yelled. I snickered too. Fong? What type of name is that?! His buddies charged towards us, and I pulled my sais. I darted in front of Amy and Char. The guy glared at me. I had to protect them-they couldn't fight. He leaned in close to me.
"My name's Bob." He said.
"Ok then. My name's you don't need to know." I snarled back. He breathed out on my face, and I cringed, repulsed.
"There's something called toothpaste you know, right?" I asked. He growled at me, and punched me in the side. My breath left me, as I clutched my side, trying to remember how to breathe. I'm so busy, that I don't even notice that Amy and Char are already knocked out. A rag gets shoved in my face, and I cough, gagging on the somehow more horrible smell than Bob's breath. Becoming dizzy, I fall down. Right before I hit the ground, I grope for my T-Phone, and hit the panic button. Then I black out.
I wake up groaning, wincing at my throbbing headache.
"Rach?" I hear someone ask me.
"Amy?! What are you doing here?!" I exclaim.
"Wait, where's here?" I ask to clarify. Gotta love English.
"Well, we're in a cell, and it doesn't look like we're going anywhere soon." Amy says.
"Yeah, so now you get to explain why those guys attacked us." Char said angrily. I sighed, and began explaining, starting with the turtles.
Finally, I finish talking.
"Wow. Just wow." Char says, stunned.
"I'm guessing this is the reason you didn't go to Julliard. The real reason." Amy added. Char smirks.
"So, this Raph guy. You guys kissed yet?" Char asked suggestively.
"Of course! I'm not a-a-a nun!" I exclaim (no offense to any nuns out there, it was the best thing I can up with). Amy raised her eyebrows at me.
"I take it back! We kissed, but that's it!" I exclaim, blushing furiously. Darn my mature sister.
"You should see your face, because you look-" The door opened before Amy could finish. My laugh die in my throat as I looked up. It could only be the Shredder, the guy that Raph vents about all the time. He smiled menacingly.
"Racheal?" He asked. I glared at him.
"They said that you had spirit. You're coming with me." He said, grabbing my arm.
"Don't tell him anything! I love you both!" I cried. Char's anguished cry came within hearing.
"If you die, I'll bring you back and kill you myself!" She shrieked. I smiled faintly, before Shredder threw me into another room. He slammed the door behind him, and before I could even comprehend anything, he had me securely tied to a chair. It really wasn't fair how people kept taking advantage of me! A dim light flickered on, but it was bright enough to glint off of Shredder's blades.
"I have some questions for you, and you're going to answer them." He said, a maniac glint in his eyes.
"Where are the turtles? Don't lie, I know that you know where they are." He asked me. I growled. That really wasn't proper English.
"Here's a better idea. I'm going to give you a grammar lesson-"
"Shut up!" Shredder snarled, swiping at me. Pain seared across my arm, and I looked at it. Angry drops of blood looked up at me.
"Now, answer my question." Shredder said softly, dangerously.
"What? Karai hasn't told you yet? Oh, well, I always knew she was a failure." I said nonchantly, failing when I tried to shrug. Pain again, this time across my cheek. It stung bitterly, like someone was pressing a hot blade to my face.
"I will ask you one more time." Shredder said. This whole situation was annoying, and humiliating.
"Oh my freaking gosh! Get a life already! This is unhealthy! Get a conselour, fix your problems, and leave my family alone!" I shrieked. I was in trouble now, I knew it, but I honestly didn't care. And then Shredder beat me, and I blacked out once again.

I woke up in a dim room.
"Amy? Char?" I groaned. Needles stabbed my temples, and my voice sounded like sandpaper.
"Rach?" Char groaned.
"Char? You ok?" I asked frantically.
"Man, you guys really ticked him off! How can he have that much hatred for one person?" Amy exclaimed, and then winced. Only now did I see that they were beaten almost as badly as me.
"I'm so sorry guys," I said sadly.
"I didn't mean to drag you into this."
"It'll be ok, Rach. I promise." Char said.
"Yeah, Leo and Raph will come for us." Amy said. I grinned.
But hours turned into days, and days turned into a month. We were all so pathetically weak. I was losing hope, and I could only imagine how Amy and Char were doing. Char was nearly broken.
"It'll be ok guys." I whispered. Neither one of them answered. Shredder appeared at the door, and grabbed me. Two of the Kraang grabbed Amy and Char. We were led out of the cell, and up into what I conclude as the lab. There's a humongous vat of mutagen, and I have a bad feeling.
"What-" I ask, but I'm hoisted into the air. A Kraang roughly ties me up, so that I'm hanging over the mutagen. Amy and Char are put into cages over the mutagen as well. We're toast. I just know that we're going to get mutated.
"The turtles will never come from you!" Shredder declared. Almost as if it was fate, the glass above us shatters, raining down on us. The three of us are too weak to care. Suddenly, Raph's face appears in front of me.
"Rach!" He exclaimed, and then starts on my bonds. He grabs my hand, and squeezes it reassuringly. I look over and see Donnie working with Char, and Mikey working with Amy. Leo is fighting Shredder. Shredder screams, and punches a red button. Raph screams, and it's intermingled with Amy, Char, and my screams. His face zooms away from mine, and I realize that I'm falling down, into the mutagen. I take in a deep breath, and then I'm in the mutagen. Excruciating pain hits me, and I shriek in agony. It's beyond unbearable, and that's taking into consideration what Shredder has done to us the last month. The glass cracks, and I swim to the top. I climb out, and I see two more figures fall out. "Raph?" I call out faintly.
"Rach!" Raph calls out frantically. He runs over to me, brushing his hand against my cheek.
"It's going to be alright. We've got you now." He said tenderly. I smile gratefully, and then slip into darkness.


A/N: Sorry for not updating for so long guys! I had a ton of work the past two weeks; I had at least 15 tests, an outline due for AP, failed my Chem Unit 3 test, and took my Teaching class midterm. So I tried to make it up to you by giving you guys this realllly long update. Enjoy!

Love, Emily

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