Chapter Nine

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Master Splinter had directed me into his study, and ordered me to sit. I obliged, and now I sit facing him.
"Why did you attack my son?" Splinter asks coldly.
"It wasn't unprovoked." I said defensively.
"Ah, I see." Splinter said, stroking his beard.
"Start from the beginning." I sigh, but he glares at me, and I decide not to push my luck any further.

"You see Sensei, my family was murdered by someone that I never caught a glimpse of. The police never found out who it was either. But they always called me Rach. When Raph was helping me from when I had blacked out, he called me Rach. It triggered a flashback to the morning that I had found my family. My older sister died in my arms Sensei. It's not something you forget easily. When I woke up from the flashback, I found Raph holding me, and sleeping. I woke him up, and he asked if I was ok. It was fine, but he called me Rach again. I told him I was fine, and not to call me Rach. He said he was trying to figure out if I was ok, and I told him to stop trying. Then he took his sais out, I think to play with, but I'm not sure. I was just so angry that I attacked him." I finished. Splinter folded his arms, and pondered my story for a few minutes. The time ticked by slowly, and it seemed like the silence stretched for miles. Finally, he looked up.

"I understand that your attack was fueled by painful memories. Your behavior shouldn't be excused, but in this case I think it will be ok. I want you to tell the rest of my family what happened so that the same thing will not happen again, understood?" He said sternly. I bowed my head in apparent respect, but instead I was seething.
" Hai, Sensei. But I hope you know that the story could trigger another flashback, and I'm seriously done with blacking out." I said in a flat tone. Splinter nodded, then rose.
"Leonardo! Michelangelo! Donnatello! Rapheal! Come here." He called out. One by one, the turtles filed into his study, and knelt. Splinter looked at me, and I sighed.
"Miss Racheal has some information that you need to listen to." Splinter said. I rolled my eyes.
"12 years ago, my family and I were very close. It was just my mom, dad, my brother Alex, and my older sister Lexi, and I. We were all very close. Their favorite nickname for me was Rach." I said. Raph's head jerked up, but I continued on, pretending I didn't see it.
"One morning, I was walking home after spending the night with my best friend, Charlotte. My gate was open, which I found very strange. When I walked inside, I looked for my family, but I didn't find them. Only by searching the whole house did I find them in my parents bedroom. My mom, dad, and my brother Alex were already dead. I thought Lexi was as well, but she called out. I held her as she died. The last thing she said to me was 'I love you Rach.' So, that nickname usually triggers emotionally powerful flashbacks, like it did when I was talking to Rapheal. I tried to tell him to stop, but I believe that he thought that I didn't want to be looked after. So that's my story." I finally finished, throwing a glare at Splinter. He didn't see me.
"So, what happened to you?" Mikey asked.
"I went to a step family who hates me, except for my stepsister Amy. The night you guys found me, I was running away to Julliard, which I had gotten a full scholarship to. I had run away earlier because Amanda and Chris, my stepparents, wanted me to stay and watch everybody else. I refused." I said. Mikey's eyes glowed in admiration.
"Are you going to stay here Racheal?" Raph asked quietly. I think that he geniually cares about my well-being. It's really sweet of him.
"If Master Splinter says its ok. Now that I've found you guys, I don't really want to go." I said hopefully, glancing at Splinter. He seemed deep in thought.
"You may stay here Miss Racheal. Tonight, you stay on the couch, and then tomorrow, we'll help you set up your room." He said. I grinned.
"Hai Sensei. Thank you Sensei." I said happily. My stomach growled loudly.
"Ya hungry Racheal? I'm not surprised, seeing as it's already 6 o'clock." Donnie said.
"Nah, I'm not really hungry. Besides, its Friday night. We should watch a movie." I said. The turtles nodded, and then Leo spoke.
"Well, let's go pick out a movie."

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