Chapter Ten

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I watched in amusement as the guys scrambled around, looking for their movie that they wanted to watch. Finally, everybody had a movie picked out. Donnie had picked out some sort of Einstein movie. Mikey picked out Lord of the Rings, which I hated. Raph picked out Fast and Furious 6. Leo picked out Space Heroes, which is funny, because I didn't realize that they had made it a movie. Their choices reflected their personalities, except for Mikey.I thought he would have picked out some surfer movie. They all looked at me, their different shaded eyes all pleading desperately.

"We're watching my movie first." I said, bringing it out from behind my back.

"If it's a sappy movie, I will throw up." Rah groaned.

"Quiet Rapheal. t's a movie about a smart girl, who likes to surf." Donnie and Mikeys eyes watched me, excited.

"She gits her arm bitten off by a shark, and almost dies. Then she has to decide if she'll ever surf again. She was always the leader at competitions, too." I said, knowing the action would satisfy Raph, and Leo would just relate with all of the girl's hardships.

"What's it called Racheal?" Mikey practically begged me.

"It's called Soul Surfer Mikey. It's my favorite movie." I said happily. I slipped it into the DVD player, and sat down at the couch. Raph plopped down next to me, and I hid a smile. Mikey and Donnie battled for the chair, whereas Leo just sat down on the floor. I watched the opening, completely enthralled, before I remembered something. I smacked my forehead.

"I'm going to make popcorn. I completely forgot to do it before we started." I announced. Donnie shushed me, and I laughed.

"Don't take my seat you guys." I said sternly, before leaving the room. As quickly as possible, I made 5 jumbo bags of popcorn. I ran into the other room, and distributed each of the bags to a turtle. I noticed that Raph was sleeping again. I snorted. Typical Raph. As the movie rolled on, I saw just who had an emotional side. Donnie was in tears when Bethany decided to come back, narrowly missing dying. Mikey sniffled when Bethany and Alana fought. Leo just seemed enthralled by all of her hard choices, just like I expected. When the credits began, Raph woke up. He hopped off the couch, and put in Fast and Furious 6. I guess they watched it plenty of times.

"I've got stuff to fix." Donnie announced, before leaving the room.

"I-I'm going to sl-sleep." Mikey said throughout a huge yawn.

"I'm going to meditate." Leo said.

"See ya later ditchers." I called out at their retreating forms. I heard Donnie laugh a little bit in his room.

"You're not leaving?" Raph asked.

"I've never seen it before Rapheal." I said, shrugging. He gave me a look like "how could you have never seen this movie". I glared at him, and he laughed.

"Sheltered childhood by my family. I didn't have time by the time I turned 8. I was doing ballet, gymnastics, and martial arts all day long." I said in explanation. Raph rolled his eyes. The movie started, and I curled up on the couch, watching it. The movie started to scare me, and I'm not a person that get scared easily. After a really loud and scary explosion, I shrieked, and ended up with my face buried Raph's shell. He chuckled lightly.

"Easy Racheal. I won't let the movie scare ya." He said. He wrapped his arms around me, and I shivered. Raph chuckled again. Halfway through the movie, I noticed Raph was slipping into sleep again. At the end of the movie, he was completely asleep, his hold on me loosening. I chuckled, and turned the TV off from the couch. His face looked so innocent when he was sleeping. Without conscious thought, I reached up and touched his face. When he didn't wake up, I continued exploring. I ran my fingers over his face, tracing his mask, and then his lips. His whole face was soft, but his mask was rough and scraggly. I chuckled softly, and Raph woke up.

"Why are you touching my face?" He asked, confused. I snatched my fingers away quickly. He gave me a knowing look.

"There was something on your face." I said, hoping it was too dark to notice the blush on my face.

"Sure there was." He said. He got up from the couch stretching, and pulled a blanket and pillow over.

"Lay down." He said, patting the couch. I hesitantly layed down, and he placed the blanket over me. I've never seen him act this sweet before. Never. It was actually pretty amusing.

"Sleep well Racheal." He said softly. I smiled.

"You too Rapheal." He stopped suddenly.

"Why don't ya call me Raph anymore?" He asked me.

"Because you guys aren't calling me Rach, so I'm not calling you Raph. It's only fair." I explained. He nodded, and left me to sleep.

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