Chapter Fourteen

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I wake up in Donnie's lab, laying on a table.
"Raph?" I call out.
"Sorry, no Raph right now. Just me." Donnie says, walking over to me. I scowl.
"Did you know that you're allergic to Asprin?" Donnie asked. Huh, I didn't.
"No." I say carefully.
"Well, you are." Donnie says cheerfully.
"Great. Can I go now?" I ask. Donnie' s cheerfulness is making me exasperated.
"Yes." Donnie said. I'm sit up, and I'm quickly out of the blasted lab. I run into Mikey halfway up the stairs.
"Oh, hey dudette. Sorry I fractured your rib." He said guiltly.
"It's fine." I said shortly. Mikey grinned, and continued down the stairs. I stalked upstairs and into Raph' s room.
"Woah. Why are you in here?" Raph said, staring at me.
"Really? We kissed, Mikey fractured my rib, I passed out from taking Asprin, and you're asking me why I'm in your room?" I ask in disbelief.
"Yeah, about the kiss." Raph said, scratching the back of his neck.
"What about it?" I asked.
"It shouldn't have happened. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." He said.
"WHAT?!" I screeched. I try to calm down.
"You kissed me. I kissed you. We kissed. I chose to kiss you Raph." I said slowly, trying to make sense of this conversation.
"Well, you didn't have to if you didn't want to." Raph said bluntly.
"But I did want to." I said angrily. I didn't notice Raphs expression change from embarrassed to happy.
"You wanted to kiss me?" Raph said, getting up from his bed.
"That's what I just said." I snipped back.
"Would you like to do it again?" Raph asked.
"Well I don't know Rapheal. Are you asking me to kiss you?" I asked snarkily. I was in a mood that was not to be messed with.
"You know you want to." Raph said, grinning at me. I grinned back, and walked slowly up to him. He leaned in eagerly, and I leaned in as well, smirking. I got close enough to him, for him to part his lips, and then I drew back, silently running to the door. I snapped a picture of him with my T-Phone that I had found in my pocket.
"You snooze, you lose Raph." I said snickering. He opened his eyes, with a wounded look on his face. I laughed, he smiled hopefully, and then I ran out of his room.

A/N- Can I just say how nice it is to have people reading the crazy things I write! I love it! Keep reading my books, and I will reward you! Not really, I'm just kidding. That's what you think anyways, haha! I'm a little loopy, seeing as I was at the hospital till midnight on Wednesday after cutting my cornea with hydrochloric acid in Chemistry, and then getting a cross between the flu and strep throat on Thursday. Enjoy labor day!!!



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