Chapter Four

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What. The. Heck. Is. Standing. In. Front. Of. Me? I had no clue what it is, until it stepped forward into the light a little bit more. A green human, that looked like a turtle. Something re-surfaced in my memory, an old song from a TV show I watched when I was a child. The turtle is wearing a blue bandanna, and looked at me curiosuly.
"Leonardo?" I whisperede. He backed up, and narrowed his eyes at me.
"Do I know you?" He asked. I blush, and shake my head. Three others stepped out of the shadows. Rapheal approached me.
"How do you know us?" He snarled.
"Its a long story." I said, sighing.
"Well, its not like we don't have time." He said sarcastically. I glared at him.
"I've heard about you guys before. I was just taking a wild guess." I said. There's no way I'm telling them that they're on a TV show. Not. Happening. It'll get to Mikey's head, and make the others wary of me.
"Awesome! Does that mean you'll be our friends?" Mikey squealed.
"Sure Mikey." I answered. Leo looked at me in shock.
"We really need you to come with us." He said, grabbing my arm. I scowled, yanking it out of his grasp.
"And why would I come with the turtles that just thought I was evil?" I asked.
"Bro, you're totally losing a lot of blood!" Mikey squealed. I looked down at my side. Funny, I didn't remember getting cut during the fight at all. Raph grabbed my arm this time. I yanked it away again, and leveled my sais at him.
"I said I was fine." I said harshly. Raph backed up a little, but then smirked at me.
"You might not want to use weapons that big for such a small person." He said, laughing quietly.
"These? I've been training with these for 14 years. I know perfectly well how to use them." I said back, smirking at him.
"Raphie cakes." I added. Then I turned, and flipped Donnie onto the ground in front of me.
"Don't sneak up on me." I said to him. He stared up at me in shock. Raph looked impressed for a second, but it quickly went away.
"How 'bout we determine that in a spar?" He asked. A challenge. I haven't had one in 5 years, and I'm instantly excited. The last challenge I had was knocked out for 2 hours cold, and I gave him a concussion.
"You sure you want to get your shell handed to you by a girl?" I challenged him. He slipped his sais out, and I took that as a yes. I smiled, and get into posistion. We circled each other for a second, warily, then he charged. I sidesteped the attack, and swept his legs out from underneath him. He snarled, and pushed himself back up. Then he stabbed at me with his sais, which I deflected easily. He glared at me, and I smirked at him. I aimed a high punch for a feint, and he took it. I quickly jabbed him in his neck, judo flipping him over on top of Donnie.
"I win." I said casually, twirling my sais.
"I want a rematch." He grumbledd. Black spots danced at the edge of my vision. The fight must've taken more energy out of me than usual. The black spots turned into black lines, and I stumbled backwards.
"You okay girl?" Mikey asked, alarmed.
"My name's Racheal." I snapped, and then I blacked out.

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