Chapter Two

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When I get into my house, I wasn't happy. I really needed to come to the classes if my dancing was going to get any better.
"Amanda, where are you?" I yelled.
"In the living room." The hostile answer came. I literally stomped into the living room. It's like a family meeting had occurred, and I stumbled into the middle of it.
"Why can't I go to class?" I growled.
"Sit down." She said, motioning to the chair oppisite the couch. I throw myself onto it. Amy shoots me a sympathetic look. Amanda hands me a yellow manilla letter. I carefully open it, and draw out the papers.
"Oh my gosh! It's from Julliard! I got a full academic scholarship!" I squeal, doing my happy dance.
"We know." Amanda said. That stops me in my tracks.
"You read my mail." I said slowly.
"Yes. And you're not going." Amanda says calmly.
"Who are you to decide that?! You can't stop me, I'm going. And never go through my mail again!" I exploded.
"We need you to stay and watch your brother and sisters while your stepfather and I are at work." She says.
"And no, you're not going. I can do whatever I want with your stuff. You'll stay here, and watch the kids." Chris said. Amy came to my rescue.
"She's 18! You can't make her do what she doesn't want to do." She said furiously. I love Amy, but I can't take this anymore. I stood up, and glared at Amanda and Chris.
"Fine. I'll stay." I say. Then I walked upstairs to my room, slammed the door behind me, and locked it. I had about 20 minutes before anyone thinks something is up. I'm just the type of person that fights over things. I pulled out my dancing duffel bag, and surveyed my room. I finally packed my 3 best leotards, my pointe shoes, 2 pairs of yoga pants, 3 T-shirts, a pair of running shoes, 2 pairs of socks, my sais, and a small blanket. Then I carefully placed my letter of acceptance to Julliard on top. I zipped up the bag, when I heard a knock at the door. I threw the bag under my bed, and opened the door. Amy stood there.
"Can I come in?" She asked. I nodded, and let her in. Her gaze swept my room, and then motioned for me to close the door. I obliged happily.
"You're running away aren't you?" She asked quietly.
"Yes." I responded. She came over to me, and gave me a big hug. I hugged her back; she's the only person I'm going to miss, other than Charlotte. She finally let go of me, and handed me a piece of paper.
"My phone number's on it. Make sure you call me when you get to Julliard." She whispered. Then she left my room. I quickly scrawled a note, placing it on my bed. I opened my window, and balanced on the windowsill. Taking a deep breath, I jumped, and landed safely on the ground, walking to my future.

Dear Amanda and Chris,
You'll be reading this long after I'm gone. I've finally left this mess of a family, and I'm heading to Julliard. I AM taking that scholarship. I know that none of you loved me, except for Amy, and the feelings mutual to everyone except Amy. Have fun managing without me. I WON'T be seeing any of you again.
Amy- I love you. Be a good girl, and stay in school. Get good grades. Make me proud.
Sam- Stay in school, and try to make good grades. I love you.
Happily saying good-bye,

Racheal Grace Dubane

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