Pt. 7: Love Triangle

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Saturday morning has come. It was around 9 o'clock when MC and Natsuki woke up after falling asleep cuddling. MC was being extra gentle as to not hurt her broken arm any more, he got out of bed to go get some breakfast. The breakfast MC prepared was nothing great since he isn't too talented in the kitchen, just some sub-par eggs and hasbrowns. Nonetheless Natsuki started crying when she saw how much effort he put into making her breakfast, though she has been extra emotional lately given the whole drama that has just unfolded. She took small nibbles at her food enjoying it despite the lack of an appetite, but fell silent and looked longingly into MC's eyes. He saw her emotional stare and returned it, having a long silence before Natsuki said something suddenly to break it. "IM HORNY! GIVE ME SEX!" Natsuki squealed out playfully putting her head on MC's lap.

Looking at her up and down he questioned how he can exactly fulfil her needs. "H-how can we... You know if you have a broken arm?" MC said, but Natsuki replied smugly "You got a tounge, right? You know how to use it, RIGHT?". This made MC laugh and he got down between Natsuki's legs and pulled down her pantsu to her knees, he then began to gently rub her pink pussy lips and her clitorus softly massaging them. MC lowered his head finally and began to start inserting his tounge into the wet vagina, he was overwhelmed by a sweet taste in her cum, making him start to crave her even more. Swirling his tounge around inside and licking her g-spot, he could hear Natsuki's loud moans and squeals. She began to start leaking cum in small bursts from the pleasure overwhelming her, he pulled his head up for air while still fingering her vigorously to see just how satisfied his Kitten has become. Her face was bright red with blush, her fists clenching the sheets as well as her toes curled. Before MC could go back down on and finish the job, there was a light knock at the door outside.

MC put on a bathrobe and ran to the door, opening it to see it was Sayori holding a muffin basket filled with pastries, Manga, and candy. She looked very cheery and asked with a smile on her face "Is Natsuki here? I wanted to give her this as a get-well-soon gift.". Gently she handed the care package to MC and skipped away, but not before yelling out to MC "I HOPE YOU TWO ENJOY THE GIFTIES!". Walking inside and delicately putting the basket on the bed, Natsuki crawled over and was looking through it. She popped a piece of candy in her mouth and read the tag attached. The tag read out in bright blue marker "From all of the literature club, with love <3". She clenched it in her fist angrily and threw it away to the corner and said spitefully "Actually, fuck all of them... Except Sayori. She is kinda cool...". Popping another piece of candy in her mouth, Natsuki went back to laying curled up amongst the pillows while MC went to go tend to some chores around the house. Halfway through vaccuming there was another knock at the door, quickly he turned it off and dashed for it expecting Sayori again. Opening it, he was greeted with the shock of finding Yuri standing on his stoop with her hands at her chest sorrowfully.

   "I-is this a bad time...?" Yuri said looking shyly at MC, her left eye covered by bandages to conceal the burns left by Natsuki. MC opened the door wide letting her in to the living room, "No it's cool. Came to see Nat I assume?" he said softly. Yuri just looked up at him locking eyes reluctantly, "No... I came to see you... I only acted that way because... I like you!... And seeing you happy with someone else just broke my heart!". MC stared in shock, silence filled the room, making everything even more awkward, this lasted a good minute before Natsuki stormed out of MC's room and up to Yuri. "YOU HAVE A LOT OF FUCKING NERVE SHOWING UP HERE!" Natsuki yelled, using body expression to appear tall and intimidating but failing horribly. Yuri just got up and walked over to Natsuki and stared her down, leaving an air of unsurity amongst everyone as to what her intentions where, but suddenly went on her knees crying at Natsuki's feet. Covering her eye while tears ran down her cheek she uttered out "IM SORRY! IM SORRY, IM SORRY, IM SORRY!". MC stared in pity, seeing the most mature girl he knew breaking down before his girlfriend. Natsuki at first looked almost embarrassed for Yuri, but something changed in her face, giving her a look of forgiveness. She got down on her knees and comforted Yuri by giving her a hug and a shoulder to cry on, reassuring her that it was ok.

   After the two girls finished, MC came over to help them both up. Natsuki shyly asked "Can Yuri stay for a bit? I want to share my treats with her...". With the nod of approval from MC Yuri and Natsuki went to his room. MC followed behind and sat on the bed corner opposite of the two girls. Natsuki and Yuri both ate the strawberry muffins in the basket quietly, MC smiling knowing that a friendship between the two has sparked up. An hour passed, all three of them had an amazing time talking and sharing stories, but it was Yuris time to go home. Getting up along MC he showed her the way to the door and before leaving called out to Natsuki "Im taking Yuri home, be back in a bit!".

   The two walked down the sidewalk, a few inches a part until Yuri stopped in place and said something that suprised MC and made him stop too. "I-I still love you..." Yuri said in a submissive way. She walked over to MC shyly and lifted her sweater sleeves, revealing knife cuts and gashes up and down her pale arms, MC covered his mouth as Yuri looked away saying softly "I made these the night I found out you where dating Natsuki. I was heartbroken...". MC was unable to speak not sure what to say until suddenly Yuri hugged him. Not wanting to be rude he hugged her back, putting his arms around her waist. They looked into eachothers eyes longingly, beginning to lean in for a kiss, until MC saw in the corner of his eye some was watching them a few feet away quietly. It was Natsuki. She dropped the scarf Yuri had left behind on the ground still in shock, but when MC made a movement twards her she darted away, her bare feet against the pavement making a pattering noise. MC without a word ran after her, leaving Yuri behind where she stood.

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