Pt. 14: Mother

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It was tuesday and the evening was cool and relaxing, it was 7:00 and MC got off work at the electronics shop and was excited to finally go home to his own house for the first time in a week. After what seemed like an eternity the centeral AC in his home finally got the repairs it needed, and Natsuki said she would relocate their stuff back to the house while he was at work. Walking home he remembered that Sayori and Natsuki where going to go see a movie together after they finished moving back in so he took a detour and bought fast food for dinner. Knowing Natsuki loved it when he got her something without asking he instinctively got her an order of fries and a shake, packing it in a to-go bag he left for home. Arriving back at his house he saw a lone light was on in the downstairs bathroom but just shrugged it off and entered quietly, turning on the lights and dropping his food on the table while heading twards the bathroom to wash up.

Walking in the bathroom MC saw there was blood stains on the side of the sink and a towel that looked like it was soaked in some spots with blood which prompted him to assume Natsuki possibly cut herself while shaving, a fairly common occurrence when she does her legs in a rush. Wiping up the blood from the sink with a wet sponge MC heard light wheezing from behind the shower curtains, he stood silently for a second in shock before gently tip-toeing over to the shower. Mustering up he courage he swung back the curtains and the sight of his discovery made his heart sink to his stomach. There he saw Natsuki naked and passed out with open cuts on her forearms, blood trickling out of them. In her hands a kitchen knife and a small portrait of her with her mom and dad. The picture was old, being how Natsuki looked no older than 10 in it. MC looking closer could see X marks over Natsuki dad's eyes and a slice through the young Natsuki's face.

MC hastily took the knife and picture and put them aside, then proceeding to go in the medicine cabinet to find the wound disinfectant, he lifted her right arm and poured it on the cuts. Natsuki let out a subconscious squeal of pain, "Shh... Shh... Master is here now, Kitten. It will be ok..." MC said graciously before going on to the left arm and doing the same thing. After wiping up the remaining blood and disinfectant MC got out a roll of bandages and wrapped them around Natsuki's forearms carefully. Proceeded to lift her out of the tub cradling her in his arms he walked to his room and laid her on the bed, putting her in one of his own loose gray t-shirt before gently pulling up the covers. He kissed her on the forehead and cuddled up next to her petting her until he too fell asleep.

The next morning MC woke up to the light tapping of rain on the window, relieved to remember both him and Natsuki have off from work today. He could see Natsuki was still asleep so he slipped away to the living room with his phone in hand to ask Sayori some questions. After 2 rings Sayori answered the phone in her usual peppy voice, "Hey, how was the movie last night? Was Natsuki acting different?" MC asked shakily. Sayori was silent for a second before answering softly "Natsuki didn't come with me. She said something about seeing her father I think.", now there was silence in both ends until Sayori broke it with "I gotta go..." and hung up. MC walked back to his bedroom and saw Natsuki has still not woken, so sitting on the edge of the bed he examined the photograph of her family. Looking at it almost made Natsuki's family look happy and normal, though he was not told what had become of her mother at all and it bugged MC not knowing.

Suddenly a pair of soft warm hands wrapped themselves around MC's waist from behind, causing him to jolt and drop the portrait on the floor. Natsuki has finally awoken and from what it seemed was as happy as ever, giggling playfully and having that glow of youthfulness in her deep pink eyes. Resting her head on MC's shoulder Natsuki submissively said "Good morning my handsome and sweet master.", MC kissed her softly on the cheek with the thought in his mind that this was all a cover for something going down between her and her dad. MC asked with a smile on his face "How was the movie yesturday?", knowing something was being hidden when she replied with a full smile saying "I loved it! We went to see a romantic comedy and I thought of you the WHOLE time!". "W-well... I was told tha-" But before MC could finish Natsuki had put a hand over his mouth and whispered in his ear "Tie me up and fuck me like you hate my guts!", promptly moving away and lifting the shirt revealing her pussy to him. MC silently stared for a bit and couldn't quite think of what to say, Natsuki growing impatient got between his legs and was beginning to undo his pants for him while humming a cute little tune until there was an abrupt "Stop please!" from MC.

Natsuki having a look of confusion and sadness pulled away now, asking cutely "What's wrong, Master?" as she tilted her head like a puppy. MC could finally find his wording and blurred it out: "Why did you visit your father yesturday?". An air of silence filled the room for seemed like an eternity as neither of them moved, Natsuki's face turning bright red until finally backing away and retreating to the other side of the room. More silence was between them as they didn't make eye contact until suddenly there was a heavy *CRASH*, Natsuki had kicked her full-body mirror that was hung on the wall at full force causing a bunch if cracks to spread across it. Continuing her tantrum Natsuki had begun punching at the bed matress screaming out "THE LYING BITCH SAID SHE WOULDN'T TELL!" as tears ran down her face. MC, who has retreated to the corner of the room was getting sick of sitting on the side this time and went straight in to restrain Natsuki before she could hurt herself. Being grabbed from behind her initial reaction was lashing out for a few seconds before finally going calm, just crying silently.

Finally releasing her from the hold Natsuki turned around and hugged MC sorrowfully, locking in eachothers arms for a minute before finally pulling away. MC looked down, letting out a sigh before asking again"Why did you go to visit your father?", Natsuki not being able to avoid the question locked eyes and said her reason: "I-I wanted to know why he hated me and mommy! We had a long talk, I found out things... Like I was an accident and they couldn't afford an abortion so they kept me..." tears now coming out more she went on with her venting, "Mom didn't want to take custody of me when they divorced because I reminded her too much of my dad... and she didn't want anything to do with him, not even me...". Finally stopping to collect her thoughts MC asked "But why did you need to have him tell you all of this nonsense? This will just weigh you down emotionally and hurt you..." Natsuki's reply just confused him more, "So I can make sure I never make the same mistakes as either of my parents.". Natsuki got up and walked over to her lingere drawer and opened it rummaging through until she found what she needed, pulling out a white object carefully and returning to the bedside. Giving MC a closer look he knew exactly what it was and all of his emotions swirled like a hurricane, and becoming completely lost at what to say now. It was a pregnancy test, the small screen on the center having two lines across it meaning positive. Natsuki put it aside and interlocked both hands with MC, saying softly "Im pregnant..."


DDLC: Natsuki And Her Master (Natsuki X MC NSFW)Where stories live. Discover now