Pt. 9: End the Suffering

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   A year has passed, Natsuki and MCs love has flourished. Although they graduated from high school and saw all their friends including Yuri and Monika move away they promised to never leave eachothers side. Every day now Natsuki and MC see eachother after attending their part-time jobs, Natsuki working at a local manga shop and MC at an electronics shop. Life was going great for both of them and seemed to have never been happier. Atleast that was what Natsuki wanted everyone to believe.

   After high school MC has been noticing something change about Natsuki. The change was slow and subtle but as time went on it became more prominent. She was becoming thinner, more frail, paler skin complexion, and seemingly weaker. MC first noticed this when recently she would tap out much quicker from sex than usual, then afterward becoming lethargic and simply passing out. Whenever confronted on this Natsuki will play it off saying an excuse like she was just worn out from her work or she is on her period and she feels cramps whenever they get to the dirty stuff. These excuses where pretty easy to see as lies since he knew Natsuki well and that she loves her job and is always seemingly upset when her shift ends to go home. As for the excuse about her period, he knows that Natsuki gets way more horny when she is on her period and almost resorts to begging for sex, to which he does comply. MC knows of course that there will always be a chance of a mess if they do get down and dirty at this specific time but he is willing to deal with it if it means Natsuki is contempt and happy.

   It was friday night, MC got off work and was walking home with a spring in his step, his joy from the fact that tonight was his and Natsuki's long awaited date night. MC got home and got freshened up awaiting Natsuki's arrival, which was arranged for around 7:00. After waiting until 8:30 and texting "where are you? You didn't forget, right?" to which he got no response he finally felt the urge to call her. Knowing it was never like Natsuki to ever just flunk out on plans without warning he eagerly waited as the phone rang on her end. It wasn't until the third ring that a familiar voice answered: Natsuki's dad. It was beyond MCs guess how her dad got her cell but he said courteously if Natsuki was around to speak, as a response her father just hung up abruptly. Knowing now that something was up MC grabbed a baseball bat from his room as a precaution and darted out and down the road twards Natsuki's house.

   Arriving finally and walking up the stoop he could see the lights where on in the living room and a room upstairs but the rest of the house was dark. Checking his phone he saw one new text was sent, it was from Natsuki. MC opened the text and his stomach dropped when he read it, the text being made seemingly in a rush spelled out "dad is after me left back door open help pls". As his blood raced he ran to the back door with the bat in hand, gently opening the door to hear a commotion upstairs: the sound of crying and screams of pain. MC dashed through the living room and up the stairs to find the noise coming from Natsuki's room. Mustering up all his courage MC opened the door, and what he saw repulsed him and almost pushed him to tears. He saw Natsuki in a far corner hugging a pink stuffed rabbit and covered in blood and bruises. The one responsible was her dad, in his right hand holding the newest volume of a manga Natsuki was so excited to get. The book was bent and torn, also sporting a few visable blood stains on it's cover and sides.

   MC was still unnoticed in the doorway so he silently watched in horror, seeing the cruelty paralyzed him. "I TOLD YOU TO STOP READING THIS KIDDY BULLSHIT ALREADY!" Natsuki's dad yelled out as he swung the book at her face, making a loud smacking noise as her cheek made contact with the cover. As a response to the pain Natsuki just sat their weeping, not daring to say a word. Looking closely at Natsuki MC saw she was in her favorite date outfit: a pink dress with black rose patterns reaching to her knees, the black straps holding it up intersecting at her chest reaching to both shoulders. On her legs she had on white tights and for shoes a pair of black flats. The outfit was beautiful, and one of a favorite for MC to see on Natsuki, but seeing it torn and stained with blood it seemed more like a costume from a horror movie. As Natsuki braced for another swing from the book she saw MC in the doorway and her eyes widened, giving him a look similar to that of a deer in the headlights of a truck before it gets hit. She lipped out the words "help me" before enduring another hit to the back the head. Natsuki's dad caught her stare and followed it to see her boyfriend as still as a statue in the doorway, saying in an enraged tone "The one who has been fucking my whore daughter showed up. Sorry but Natsuki is grounded. You can just leave now!".

   MC finally was able to break his static pose, shaking in fear as he managed to barely say "Why would you do this to her...". Her dad just said it again in a yelling manner "GET OUT NOW! NATSUKI IS GROUNDED!" and lashed out a few more swings at her fragile body. Something in MC's mind clicked now causing rage, he wasn't sure whether it was hearing Natsuki's squeals of pain or seeing her reduced to a bloody pulp, but now he knew one thing: he was pissed! Right before another blow was going to be made to her MC wacked her dad in the back of the head with his metal bat at full force, spurting blood out of his mouth and nose from the impact and rendering him unconscious. Natsuki scurrying out of the way before her dad landed on her, got up and ran to MC, taking in his warm dominant embrace.

   The weeks after for Natsuki where hard after that night. Her dad was arrested on account of child abuse and neglect for all the years she put up with him, so that meant she had the whole house to herself. She hated being alone in such a big house with no contact, so as proposed by the court she could move in with someone else and sell the property since she now owned it from her dad. Of course MC said right away that she can live with him, and so she did. Moving in was a transition both of them got used to quickly and was a decision neither regretted. Life for both of them was finally perfect... Almost.

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