Chapter 2

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The next day I took a shower, got dressed in a t-shirt and jeans for our little visit today. I could smell the cookies from my bedroom.

When I got downstairs Mom was taking off her oven mitts and apron. I wasn't really looking at her so much looking at the delicious cookies sitting on the counter. They were my favorite kind too. Oatmeal raisin.

I went to grab a cookie off a plate, but she slapped my hand away before I could get one. "Those are for you to take over to the new neighbors, not for you to eat."

I got up and was walking towards the living room. To go watch some tv and sulk. Then I realized.

I spun around, "You just said 'you' not us!"

"What are you talking about?" Mom asked innocently.

"You said 'those are for you to take over to the new neighbors,'" I narrowed my eyes.

She stared right back at me, then she sighed, "Okay! I thought maybe you could just give the cookies yourself," she was looking everyplace except my eyes. "Because I had a massage appointment and didn't want you to think I needed a break from you."

"Oh... No, mom it's fine you deserve some time to yourself," now I was avoiding her eyes. "Sorry I accused you."

"It's fine, really, I shouldn't have been so sneaky."

"No it wasn't your fault I was being rude," I muttered.

I didn't want us going back and forth on how each of us was more awful to the other. So I tried to change the subject before mom could find another way to apologize.

So naturally I said the lamest thing my brilliant brain could think of, "Are you going to put the cookies in a container? Or just wrap plastic around the plate?"

Mom looked taken-a-back by the change in conversation. "I haven't really thought about it, I guess a container would be good." The look on her face showed that this was a difficult decision for her.

I clapped my hands together "So it's settled a container it is!"

"Yes, a container would work the best and look the nicest... Although then they would have to return it, and what if they don't return it? What if they forget about it and keep our container and then we would have to go over there and get it ourselves like a container mob."

"I don't quite think we would be like a container mob." She didn't laugh. She didn't smile. She looked very worried of the outcome of our dear container. "Know what? I promise you when I leave that house today the container comes with me."

And with that it was decided. It shall be a container that holds thy neighbors cookies. So she put the cookies in their container and sent me off to welcome the neighbors to our lovely neighborhood.

While I walked towards the neighbors' house she was walking towards the car to go to her massage appointment. I got to their door and rang the door bell. I looked back and mom was in her car checking her rearview mirror. Was she looking at something in her rearview mirror? Was she looking at me in her rearview mirror?

I heard the neighbors front door open. So I turned around. There he was. "Hi I have come on my family's behalf, we're your neighbors, we live right next door." I pointed towards our house. He leaned towards me and outside the door frame to see that there was indeed a house right beside theirs. My eyes strayed from our house to my mom giving me a thumbs up as she drove away.

He leaned backed inside and I turned back to him. "Oh well, hi! I'm Alex, and lucky for you we allow all and everyone into our lovely abode who comes baring delicious cookies."

The boy that looked exactly like Gus stepped aside from the door way so I could come into his house. Not that I had any other choose I tilted Philip on his wheels, pulled him over the threshold and walked into the house.

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