Chapter 3

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Alex was holding the door open and had a goofy smile just like Gus' on his face. Exactly like Gus'. Same height. Same muscles. Same hair. Same face. Same eyes.

It was like it was Gus. But it's not. It couldn't be. Did I actually thinking my dead boyfriend was standing in front of me?

Yes, the cancer has gone to my brain. And what a pity I thought my brain was my best feature.

Gus alive? It's impossible. I saw him in the coffin. I saw him get put in the ground. I gave him a eulogy.

It's even a known fact that there are around 7 people in the world that look exactly like you. Was it that implausible that one of the 7 other people in world that look exactly like my dead boyfriend moved in right next door to me? But right next door? Was I really thinking that it would be more plausible that my dead boyfriend came back to life? No, that's impossible, I know that at least.

I must have been starring at him in a daze because he suddenly started waving his hands in front of my face. "Hello! Earth to cookie barer!"

"Oh sorry you just remind me of someone I used to know..." I said still subtly studying his face.

He closed the door and still with his hand on the doorknob he turned his head toward me and said. "Let's begin the welcoming to my humble abode." Still with that goofy grin spread across his face.

"Proceed." I replied.

He walked around me and stopped and turned to have his body facing me. He started walking backwards slowing into a hall. "Now this right here," he put his hands on the walls, "is a hall, and shortly we will be coming to a end to this hall."

Right then the hall ended and there was a kitchen and a living room with one couch, a tv stand but no tv.

Still facing me he said, "And this right here," he pointed to the left, "is the kitchen, where we will be eating those cookies."

The kitchen looked warm and cozy, with the sun streaming in though the windows. The sun razes straight across the counter.

He walked into the kitchen on the side with no stools and started leaning on the counter. I just stayed standing where I was, not knowing what to do. Then suddenly he looked up at me and said. "Are we going to devour these cookies or not?"

I walked over to side with the stools, sat on the stool right across from him. I sat the cookie container right in between us. A couple seconds after I set it down he had grabbed it and had the lid open in a flash.

The cookies' aroma was seeping out and smelling delicious. Next thing I knew he had two small plates and poured two cups of milk out for both of us.

Once we had fit most of the cookies on our small plates. He looked up at me, "Lets eat."

We both grabbed a cookie held them up and hit them together, "To delicious cookies," he said.

"To delicious cookies," I agreed. And we took a bite. The cookie just dissolved in my mouth. His eyes got wide and nodded while chewing. To say these are good. I laughed, he looked like maniac.

He finished his cookie. "So what's your name cookie barer?"

And that's when it dawned on me. He doesn't even know my name. I'm treating him like he is Gus but he isn't Gus. He is just Gus' look a like. He is Alex.

"Hazel," I said making sure not to say Hazel Grace.

"Well, Hazel may I just say these cookies have changed my cookie standards forever."

"Your tremendously welcome, but my mom made them, I would have burned them to the core."

"Well we must repay your mom for these life changing cookies."

I needed to leave. It felt so wrong. I can't betray our infinity. I can't betray Gus.

I got up. Alex looked up at me puzzled on why I would be standing. And I just stood there for a second not knowing how to say I had to go without saying that he looked exactly like my dead boyfriend.

"I should go, leave you alone with your cookies." I was slowly rolling Phillip back to the hall.

"No it's fine really we can share the cookie-" i cut him off.

"No, really I have work to do some work too," I was at the beginning of the hall. "Bye!"

I thought I might have heard a mumble of a "Bye." from him while I rolled Phillip down the hall, out the door, to my house, and finally inside my house.

I sat down on my couch. Why would my mom try to set me up with a boy that looks exactly like my dead boyfriend!

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