Chapter 4

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I just woke and I am definitely not a morning person plus the fact that I'm too pissed because of what happened last night.

That doesn't usually happen, really. Everything just felt foreign to me. I can't help but to get a little depressed of how my body is reacting into such circumstances.

All I could do was sigh heavily and went to do my morning routine before going to school.


I just went towards the school gate grumpily, headset on and not giving a fck of what happening around me.

I was then drowned on my own thoughts as I walk along the hallway. I can't help but wonder what could possibly happen today. I just hope everything will just turn out well cause I've had enough trouble with myself on the previous week.

I can't bear to have another trouble, especially if it involves other people. It's the last thing that I will need right now. I hate attention and the only thing I could do right now to prevent having that is to keep silent, stay in a corner and not give a damn with these creeps around.

When I arrived at our classroom, I just went directly on the seat at the far corner at the back beside the window.

I tried my very best to just get lost in the moment 'til the teacher arrive but I just failed.

Despite my negligence on them, on whatever they do, I can still feel curious stares and murmured gossips that's taking place in this room.

Fcking gossipers! They just can't find something productive to in order to distract themselves at least until the teacher comes and just talk about other people. Just proves how pathetic their lives were.

I just rolled my eyes at the thought. I can't believe they spent money being here just to talk about other people's lives.

Boredom's really doing its best to come into me. *sighs* could help but to let myself be drowned into a deep slumber.

I was awakened by the bell that's ringing loudly. Fck I still wanted to have some more sleep but this idiotic someone can't just let me have it.

"Hey cutie, you do not want to get an F in out math class, do you?" asked by a random girl who's one of those creep gossipers around. I just nodded absentmindedly nodded while I fix myself.

"Well hello there cutie Kylie! *winks* I'm the mighty and super sexy Brenna, nice to meet you!" said by this certain woman beside me while smiling like an idiot.

"It's Kyle and what's so nice about meeting a fcking creep? Tss" I retorted but this creep just won't budge.

"Woa, seems like someone just woke up at the wrong side of bed, I mean desk here haha" she mocked while having her famous creepy smirk on her face. I wasn't able to roll my eyeballs at her which made her smirk go wider as if she succeeded in her plan which is to piss me off.

When I was done fixing myself I just seated myself into comfort and found peace for a second until the fcking creep went on the seat beside me and started talking about nonsense which made me groan inwardly.

She kept rambling about how bored she was because the girls in the classroom were too boring to be dealt with and that she doesn't find make-up kits and lipsticks interesting. She even blatantly said how fucked up people were. 

I get it, she's not the girly and demure type. Well her appearance wouldn't say it. She has a shoulder-length hair, a fair complexion, perfect white teeth, cute dimple and has a hellish curves that might make the guys ogle at her, well yeah it includes me but I just look away to avoid the smoking temptation.

But the way she acts and moves speaks a lot about her boyishness. She even sits like a guy, legs wide open. Good thing she's in her jeans but the bad thing is that, it's a skinny jeans which hugged and give emphasis to her perfectly-proportioned legs. 

That made me gulped a few times. Fck. I've been trying to avoid the walking temptation the other day and there's another. I'm doomed. Damn it. Concentrate Kyle! Think of gross things. Rainbows, lollipops.

Her loud mouth ruined my concentration. "Ohmyfckinggeee! You're so cute Kylie! Come here cutie patootie pie!" she loudly said and pinched my cheeks hardly and wiggling it. The fcker didn't even noticed it hurts.

I removed her hands from my reddening cheeks. When I was about to push it away harshly, she squealed loudly which gathered attention from everyone in the class. I quickly clamped by hands on her big mouth. It could have been better if I get to shove something big and hard in her mouth down to her throat, you what I mean *smirk*

"Can you just shut your stupid loud mouth and get out of my sight? You're fcking pissing me off!" I murmured to her angrily, enough for her to hear it clearly. She gasped exaggeratedly. 

"No! You fcking touched my hands Kylie! You are so going to marry me! OMG this is so great. We have to always stick together now cutiepatotteepie!" she rambled and I just rolled my eyes. 

Crazy fcker. "You're crazy" I told her bluntly which only made her grin wickedly. "Yeah, I'm crazy for you Kylie", she then winked and again, I rolled my eyes at her and hissed. She went on clinging onto my arms until a big and baritone voice snapped us from our little quarrel.

"I have here your final sitting arrangement for the entire school year. Hey! Silence and put your phones away!" he scolded the creeps who were too busy talking about the latest gossip they saw on their phones. "So, yeah. You would be ordered alphabetically, regardless of the genders. Alright, go to your seats now and kindly settle down after so that we can continue what we discussed last time." and then he arranged his table and started writing something on the white board.

I was busy finding my seat. I was about to take my seat when the crazy fcker again went beside my seat. "Why are you here again? What the fck do you want?" I rudely asked her which she just ignored and put her things down on the seat beside mine and smiled at me.

"Kylie cutie, this my seat. Valdez, Valiente, you know haha O to the M to the G again, we are so meant to be cutiepatootiepie! Let's get married!", she said squealed and hugged my arms tightly and kept in clinging into me. I mentally slapped myself for forgetting her last name.

I just sighed when she continued clinging into me like there's no tomorrow. I just put my focused on the discussion. But a few minutes later, I felt someone watching me, or rather us. I look around and there I was met with two pairs of suspicious and glaring eyes. What's their problem with me now?

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