Chapter 4

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Previously on Chapter 3

That shuts him up. I lay back down and turn my back facing him. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep, hugging the teddy bear Asano win for me.



Asano and I have been together for a month. He's really sweet. But I can't help but notice, he's acting a little distant lately.

It was early in the morning. I woke up and get ready for class. It didn't take much, cause I'm not really a girly type. So it only takes at least 10 minutes for me to get ready. Then I make my way to my first class.

Along the way I can see Asano. I call out for him. He turn around to look at me. Then he smiles. But I can see through it. It's a fake smile.

I caught up with him. "Hey... Asano" I said, smiling at him. "Hey.." He said, in a bored tone. I frown in respond "what's wrong? You have been acting like this towards me lately" I said. "Have I? Sorry... But I've been acting normally" he said. "Normally? You've been ignoring me lately, Asano" I said, irritation starts to bubble up inside me.

"Look at the time... First lesson is about to start.... I'm gonna get going" he said, walking away from me. I frown as he was out of sight. 'What's going on with him? I'm his Girlfriend... But it didn't feel like it anymore... He's been ignoring me' I thought to myself, trying to fight back tears, that's threatening to fall. I shake my head, trying to push this pain aside. Maybe he's just busy.


It's been going on and on. Asano's been acting the same. He's been ignoring me most of the time. I try not to let this bother me, but it's so hard. I need to find an answer behind his act. There must be something happening. He can't just ignore me all the sudden. But what would it be?

I try to focus on every lesson. But Asano and his act has are the only things inside my head. Which made it hard for me to focus.

The next day

Today I'm determine. I will find an answer. I can't go on like this. I need to know why he's acting like this. He will give me his reason, whether he likes it or not.

I got up from the bed and get ready. I'm finding my answer no matter what. After I'm done, I left the room.

I walk towards my first class, since Asano will be there too. After a while of walking, I finally get there. Asano isn't around though. I walk towards his group of friends. "Hey... Have any of you seen Asano around?" I asks. They turn to me and scowl. I furrow my eye brows. I look at them in confusion. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asks. "Nothing, loser. Piss off" on of them spat at me. I frown and leave them.

I sit on my seat. The teacher came and the lesson starts. But no matter what happens... no matter how hard I try to focus... I just can't seem to do so. In the end, I'm just deep in thought along the lesson. Earning me a scold from the teacher and a chorus of laughter from my classmate. Which make my cheeks turns deep red, from embarrassment.

I sigh and leave the class when the bell rings. I walk towards the cafeteria. When I was about to turn around the corner, someone grabs a hold of my hand.

I turn around to see who it was, to see Karma. "What?" I asks in a bored tone. "Y/N... Please trust me in this... Don't go in there! You don't wanna see what's going on" he said, almost in a pleading tone.

I yank my hand away from his hold. "I don't need to listen to anything you have to say" I spat. Then I turn around and enters the cafeteria. A gasp left my lips when I witness what happens.

Asano is kissing another girl. Tears starts to pool up inside my eyes. I storm my way towards him. I yank the girl away from him.

"Hey! What's your problem?!" The girl yells at me. "What my problem?! My problem is you!" I yell back at her. Then I slap the girl "why did you kiss Asano?!" I spat. "I didn't kiss him, he did" she argues. Then I turn to Asano "is it true?" I asks, trying to fight back the tears that's trying to spill of my eyes.

"Yeah... It's true" he said, simply. My eyes widened. "How could you?! What am I to you?!" I yell at him. He looks at me with the same bored expression. "Nobody..." He said. What he just said made my eyes widened. "W-what..." I stutter. "You heard me... You're a nobody to me, Y/N..." He said. Anger starts to pool up inside me. Before I could stop myself, I swung my fist towards his cheeks. He flew backwards from the impact. "You **shole! How could you treat me like this?!" I scream at him.

He wipe the blood that's been dripping on his lips and smirk at me. "You're a pathetic girl, Y/N... Why would I love someone like you... You are just a no one... I can't believe you actually believe someone would actually care for you" he said. I can't take it anymore. I punch him and start kicking him with all my strength. Someone has to pull me away from him. "Let go of me... This **swipe deserves it?! Let go!" I try to break free from the hold.

But my knees gives out. I fall on my knees and begin crying. Everyone around me starts to laugh at me. They start calling me names.

All of this becomes too much. I don't care about school anymore. I got up from my spot and run away. I keep running until I reach my dorm room.

I laid on my bed and continue to cry harder. I keep crying until I'm feeling tired. Then I fall asleep with dry tears on my cheeks.

Karma's P.O.V

After I heard what had happen. I run towards the dorm room. I need to check on her, I need to make sure she's okay.

I've seen the damage she have caused on Gakushu. Man... I didn't expect someone like her to be able to do that, purely out of anger. I need to make sure I didn't get on her bad side.

I keep running towards the dorm room. Until I finally get there. I open the door and found her sleeping on her bed.

I walk slowly towards her. Then kneel down next to her bed. I examine her features and notice a few dry tears. 'I know this would happen... I can't do anything to prevent this... I'm so sorry Y/N...' I thought.

I lean in and kiss her softly on her forehead. Then I pull away and walk to my own bed. I'll talk to her tomorrow. Hopefully she won't lash on me. Cause what happens to Asano... I don't want that to happen to me. I close my eyes and slowly drift of to sleep.

*to be continued*

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