Chapter 14

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A/N: I'm trying to think of a storyline. So I'm really sorry if this chapter sucks. But I try my best to keep this story going. But I hope you enjoy this book.

To the story!!

Warning: foul language

Previously on Chapter 13

He pulls away and lean his forehead against mine. "I love you too, Y/N... So much..." He said. He kiss me once again. Then we fell asleep, holding onto each other.

-Karma's Rage-

Karma's P.O.V

I woke up feeling warm. I smile as I know what is keeping me warm. I open my eyes and look down, where Y/N is laying. Her head is leaning close to my chest.

I pull her closer, then I can see how her face contorted in pain. At first I was confuse, then I remember what happened yesterday. My eyes travel towards her hands, more specifically her wrist.

It's faint, but I can still see the purple marks of bruise covering around it. In an instant, I can feel the anger boiling up inside me once again.

I gently laid her down, careful to not hurt or wake her up. She needs her rest. Then trying to be as silent as possible, I get up from the bed. I head over to the door and open it as quiet as possible. I glance towards Y/N to see if she wakes up. I smile when I see that she's still sound asleep. Then I turn around and head out of our dorm room.

I storm my way towards his room. Muttering curse words along the way, ignoring the weird glances everyone is giving me. I don't give a f*ck about that. I need to teach him a lesson for he's done. 'Gakushu... How dare you?! How dare you hurt my girl. I will make you pay for this?!' I thought angrily.

I reach his room. Then I start pounding on it hard, not caring if I made a scene. The door opens to reveal a sleepy looking Gakushu. He glares when he knew it was me. "What the heck do you want, Huhh?! Can't you see that you're bothering my sleep?!" He said. I ignore that and reach over and grab him by the collar.

I yank him forward, until his face is close to mine. I give him a hard glare. "How dare you hurt my girlfriend! Why can't you just leave her alone?! She's mine you dipshit!" I spat at him. He wipes his face "geez... Say it don't spray it!" He said, clearly annoyed. But that's now what makes me mad right now, it's how he's acting. It's almost as if he didn't do anything wrong.

I growl and yank him by the collar, then I drag him with me. "Hey! What the heck?! Let go of me! You can't just wake me up early... Then start dragging me out of the blue?! Akabane!! Let go!!" He keeps protesting along the way. I just ignore him and continue on walking.

I reach the field and yank him forward, which makes him stumble a bit. "What's your f*cking problem, huh?!" He yells at me. "What's my problem? My problem is you! You hurt my girl and act like nothing happened! You Son of a b*tch!!" I scream at him, while glaring. "Tch... Why'd you care? You never care for anyone... You don't trust anyone before... Not less, you never grow close to anyone... What change?" He said, glaring back at me.

I reach forward and grab him by the collar once again. I give him a hard glare, hardest glare I ever give anyone. His eyes widened when he see all the anger in me.

"Because she changed me! She has showed me love! She cares for me, when everyone else betrays me! I love her for that! So I'm not gonna stand still and do nothing when you've hurt her both physically and emotionally! I will make you pay!!" I scream. After that being said, I swung my fist at full strength to his face.

A loud crack can be heard. The force causes him to stumbles backward and land on his back. He groans as he clutch onto his nose.

"That hurt you f*cking a**hole!!" He screams. He gets up and swung his fist at me. I dodge, but he manage to land a kick on my stomach. I spit out blood from my mouth.


When I woke up, I realise Karma is not there. "Karma?" I call out. He probably went for a walk. I get up from the bed and start my daily routine.

As I was putting on my shirt. I hear a rapid sound of knocking on the door. I open it to reveal one of Karma's friend. "What's wrong?" I asks.

"Hurry! You have to come with me! They're gonna kill each other!" He said in a panic tone. "What? Kill each other? Who??" I asks, clearly confused. "Y/N!! You need to hurry!! There is no time for an explanation!! You have to come and stop them from killing each other" he said, grabbing my hand, then start running without giving me a chance to asks any further.

I run with him, as I think who is trying to kill each other. My eyes widened as I realise it. I start running faster. If he says they're trying to kill each other, this fight must've been really serious. I need to stop them.

I keep running until I reach the field. There's a small crowd forming in the middle of the field. I speed up my pace and try to make my way through.

"Let me through!!" I scream. When I made it to the front, my eyes widened at the sight in front of me. Karma is straddling Gakushu. I see one of the student trying to stop him, but they got thrown backwards. I can hear a comment among the crowd.

"Gosh! Where is she?! We need her to stop this fight." The others makes a sound of agreement. Are they talking about me? But I ignore their comments and focus my attention on the two of them. They are both in a bad shape. Torn shirt, bloody face.... Everything. How long has this fight have been going on? I snap out of it, when I see Karma is about to throw another punch at him.

I hurried forward and grab his hand. He turns to me with a glare. Then his eyes soften when they land on me. "Y/N..." He said in a soft tone.

I pull him up to stand in front of me. I hug him, leaning my head on his chest. "Karma... Please stop it... You're injured enough... Don't do this. I don't want to see you hurt any further" I said, tears begin to stream down from my eyes.

I can hear whispers like. "Wow... So it's true... Only her can calm him down" "wow... Didn't know that Karma could love a girl that much" "she's so lucky... I wish I have someone who will love me that much" but I ignore all of them.

I feel his hold tightens around me. "Y/N... I'm sorry... I lose it..." He whispers. "It's alright... At least you're calm now..." I said. I pull away from him and turn to Gakushu. If I say Karma is in a terrible condition... But Gakushu is in a much worse condition than him. Bloody nose, bruise cheeks... He probably have a few broken bones. Wow... I've never seen Karma act like this. To be honest... It kinda scares me.

Karma place a hand on my shoulder, which makes me flinch. "Y/N... Please don't be scared of me... I would never hurt you..." He said, in a soft voice. I relax, then I turn to him and wrap my arms around his neck. "I know... You would never hurt me.... I know that... But please don't act like this again..." I said. I feel him nod his head and he nuzzled his face on my hair as he hold me even closer.

By now... The other student have taken Gakushu to the clinic. He needs medical treatment as soon as possible or things could get even worse and that's the last thing I want, because as much as I hate him...  I'd still wish for him to get better. He's a human too after all.

*to be continued*

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