Chapter 5

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Previously on Chapter 4

I lean in and kiss her softly on her forehead. Then I pull away and walk to my own bed. I'll talk to her tomorrow. Hopefully she won't lash on me. Cause what happens to Asano... I don't want that to happen to me. I close my eyes and slowly drift of to sleep.

-I Care!-


It's been a week since I found out that Asano's love for me is a fake. It's been a hard week. I can't keep my tears from falling every time I saw him. He would have the same... Stupid smirk on his face.

I wake up in the morning. I'm not in the mood to attend classes, but I know that I have to. So I try to push this painful feelings aside.

I get up from my bed and start getting ready. Karma is still asleep. I feel ashamed to face him. He tried to warn me about Asano, but I ignore him. I'm so stupid.

Once I'm done getting ready. I left the dorm room and head for the first class. Along the way there, I can hear all the student talking about me. Everything they said is really hurtful. 'Look... It's the pathetic girl...' 'She really thinks someone would actually love her?' 'Stupid girl... She's just a loser, I bed her dad hates her' and more hurtful things.

I pick up my pace. It hurts... Everything they say is really painful. How can they be so cruel? What have I ever do to them?

Walk turns into a fast pace... Fast pace turns into running. I keep running along the school hall, trying my best to ignore their laughter.

Karma's P.O.V

When I woke up, I notice Y/N is not around. 'Damn it! I overslept... I need to be hurry... Who knows how the other students would be treating her...' I thought to myself.

I quickly get up from my bed and start getting ready. I try to be as fast as possible. Soon I've finished getting ready. Then I run out of the room.

'Y/N... Where are you?' I thought to myself. I don't care about class right now.... I need to make sure Y/N is alright.


It keeps going on the whole day... Insult... Laughter... Hurtful comments... Everything is being thrown at me.

Why can't I just be at peace. I'm so stupid.... I should've listen to what Karma said. Maybe even he would hate me. After all... I've said something hurtful to him. Maybe this is how I'm going to spend the rest of my year here. Walking among hundreds of student who would make fun of me.

Then I turn around the corner, only to have a leg popped out of no where which trip me. I fall face first on the floor. I let out a grunt from the pain.

Then I can hear a chorus of laughter all around me. I look around to see the same expression. The expression of amusement. They must think this is funny. This is not funny at all.

I get up. "Shut up! All of you?! You think this is funny?!" I scream. Everything became silent. Then a boy step up. He looks at me with a smile "You're right... It's not funny" then he stops. "It's f*ucking hilarious!!" He said, then start laughing even harder. Everyone starts laughing with him.

Then Asano steps forward with a girl in his arms. He looks at me with a smirk on his face, as he begin to laugh at me. "Hahaha... You pathetic girl... Actually thinks I would fall for you..." He said, in between laughter.

I just look down as tears begin to pool up in my eyes. This is really painful... What did I ever do to deserve this?

"That's enough!!!" I heard someone screams, making everyone stop laughing. I didn't look up, because I know exactly who it was. I just turn around and run away.

Karma's P.O.V

When I heard a laughter from everyone, I instantly knew what it was. I push past the crowd of student. In the middle of it is Y/N, she's shaking. I'm sure she's been crying.

Everyone is making fun of her. It's really getting on my nerves. "That's enough!!!" I scream, making everyone stops and looks at me.

I advance towards Gakushu and punch him square in the face. He stumbles back from the impact. "That hurts! What's your problem, huh?!" He yells at me. "You **shole! I told you, don't you dare hurt her! But you did anyway" then I look around and glare at every single student here, as they stare at me in shock. "And you all think this is funny?! Imagine yourself in her shoes! You lowlife bastards" I scream at them.

Then I grab Gakushu by the collar. "You're lucky I have someone to console... Otherwise I'd make you sorry!" I spat, then I push him with a full force, causing him to fall back with a loud crack.

Then I turn around and try to look for Y/N. I keep running and running at full speed. I need to find her... I need to make sure she's alright.

From a far, I can see a figure running. It must be her. "Y/N!!" I scream. But she's not slowing down. But I refuse to give up.... I need to get to her. I need to comfort her.


I keep running as I hear Karma's calling. He probably just gonna make fun of me as well. I don't wanna hear any of it. I'm sick of it.

"Y/N! Wait up!!" I heard him scream. But I just ignore him. I turn around the corner only to find out I'm in a dead end. I curse under my breath as I hear his footsteps coming closer.

Then he comes into view. "Y/N..." He starts. But he just stares at me. I'm getting tired of this. "Go on! Make fun of me! Say 'I told you so'! Rub it on me that you're right and I'm wrong!" I scream at him. He just stands dare.

I choke on a sob. "Don't just stand there and act like you care for me!" I scream again. He fast walks towards me and pinned me on the wall. "I care Y/N! I care about you so much that it hurts! It hurts that I know you'd get hurt being with him, but there's nothing I can do about it.... I care Y/N.... I really do!" He yells me. Then what he said next leave me in shock. "I love you, Y/N" he said.

My eyes widened. Then he leans in and place his lips on mine. I froze in respond. But I close my eyes and kiss him back.

We pulls away for air. He kept his forehead on mine. "I love you, Y/N..." He said again. Tears start to stream down my cheeks. I let out a sob as I look into his eyes. "K-Karma..." I choked out. He pulls me into a hug. I feel so safe in his arms... He's the one for me... I'm so stupid to even think that Asano is the one for me. No... I was so wrong... The one for me is in front of me... The one holding me... The one making me safe...

Akabane Karma

*to be continued*

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