Chapter 17

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Previously on Chapter 16

He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer. I smile and lean my head on his chest. "Goodnight, Y/N... I love you..." He said. "I love you too, Karma... Goodnight..." I said as I close my eyes and fall asleep.



I love being with Karma. He always act gentle towards me. I'm so happy to have someone like him. It makes me regret even more to get close to someone like Asano... He's nothing but a total jerk. Why did I even fall for someone like him? I feel like an idiot.

Nothing really special happen in school... Just the normal boring routine, of going to class... Listen to the teacher... Then head back home. Nothing exciting happen.

Before we know it... It's weekend again. But I can't spend it with Karma. He have something to do, so he'll be away for at least a week. He already left about an hour ago.

I will be really lonely without him around. But since he said it was really important, I try to understand him. I don't want to be like those clingy girlfriend. I don't want to annoy him.

Since there's nothing to do, I just stay in our room... Reading a book. Reading has always been my favourite thing to do to pass time. My favourite kind of books... Are fictions. Things to do with Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, Dragons... And more. I love letting my mind drift of to the world of imagination.

In the middle of reading... I heard someone knock on the door. I look away from my book. 'Hmm... Who would that be?' I thought to myself.

The knocking didn't stop. I sigh and place a bookmark on my current reading page. Then I place the book down. I get up and start walking towards the door.

"Yes! Yes! Stop knocking!! It's annoying" I said. I swung the door open. "What do-" I stop mid-sentence when I realise no one is there. 'That's weird... Someone sure are knocking the door a while ago...' I thought to myself. "Is someone trying to prank me?" I say to myself. I shrug my shoulder. Then I close the door.

Then the knocking start again. I clench my hand into tight fist as a tick mark appear on my forehead.

I slam the door open. I take a step out of the room. "Okay! Who ever you are... Stop trying to prank me?! It's f*cking annoying" I scream as I look around.

The hall is surprisingly empty, there's no sign of anyone here. I turn around to enter the room, when suddenly someone smack my head with something hard... Causing me to lose my consciousness.


I open my eyes and realise I was tied against a chair. My hands behind my back and my legs on each leg.

I try to break free. But it's just cause my arm to hurt. "Ow..." I grumble. I stop struggling and look around the room. It's dark... Except for the light on top of me.

'Where am I?' I thought to myself. "Heeeelp!!!" I scream as loud as my throat would let me. I ignore the soreness on my throat and continue to scream.

Then the door open to reveal. Asano. "You!" I growl. "Hey babe..." He said, smirking at me. He start walking towards me. I try to back away, but since I'm tied to a chair... Backing away is out of the question.

"Stay away! What do you want from me!! Let me go!" I scream at him. He stop when he's standing in front of me. He leans down, until his face only inches away from mine. I lean back slightly.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, babe..." He said. "W-what do you want?" I ask again. He leans back, looking at me with his arms cross. He smirks at me. "Oh... You know fully well what I want..." He said.

Then he place his hand on the arm rest, pining me even more to the chair. "L-let me g-go... P-please..." I said, fear start to creep up my spine. He lift his hand and place it on my cheek. This gesture makes me flinch. I turn my head away from his touch and close my eyes tightly.

'Karma...' I thought. I wish he didn't go... I wish he's here with me. Asano wouldn't have kidnap me like this. His touch on my cheek makes me feel sick.

"Awe... Don't be like that babe..." Asano said. "Get your hands of me..." I said, glaring up at him... Fighting the fear in me. He growls and lift his hand as if to slap me. I flinch and look away from him.

"Listen here... You better break up with Karma. Then come back with me. This is not a request, this is a command..." He said, growling at me. I glare at him. "why do I have to listen to you?" I said.

He smirks "because... If you don't do as I said... Karma will have to face his death..." He said. I can't believe my ears. He just threaten to kill Karma?

I shake my head. "You're sick..." I said, as tears begin to pool up in my eyes. "If you want me that bad... Why did you break my heart that day! Why? Why now... why do you have to try and split me from Karma... Just when I finally get over you..." I said. Tears begin to stream down my cheeks.

He cups my cheeks. "It was a mistake, Y/N... I realise that I really did love you..." He said. "If you love me... You wouldn't act like this... You are acting like a psycho... You're acting crazy, Asano... This is not what love suppose to be..." I said, looking at him through my tears.

He growls. "You're right... I am crazy... I am crazy for you... You will leave Karma and be with me... You will do that if you want Karma to be safe..." He said.

My lips tremble as I cry even more. Asano just stand there, waiting for my answer. I just look down. I nod my head "okay... I'll break up with Karma... And be with you..." I said.

"But that doesn't mean I will fall for you again! This just gives me more reason to hate you!" I said. "I don't care if you hate me... As long as I get to have you..." He said, shrugging.

He walks towards me and untie me. He pulls me up, then into a hug. I continue to cry in his chest. "Shh... Don't cry babe..." He said. I don't listen and continue to cry.

I'm sorry Karma... I'm so sorry... But I did this for your own safety... I hope you can understand me

*to be continued*

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