Chapter 22

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Previously on Chapter 21

After I finished my meal... As promised Karma helps me with my work. Filling me up with all the lesson I've missed during my stay in the hospital. So pretty much... That's what we've been doing the whole day.

-My Caring Boyfriend-


We'll be graduating soon. In 3 weeks to be exact. I don't know what would I do after I graduate from this school.

Karma and I are as close as ever. Asano didn't bother me as much as he did before. I guess he finally gave up.

I'm sitting in class, trying my best to keep my attention to the teacher. But there's something bothering me in the back of my head, but I can't seem to point out what it was. This makes it hard for me to concentrate on anything.

I just keep my eyes outside the window. I didn't realise the teacher is standing in front of me. "Y/N... Care to answer the question on the board?" He said. I jump at his sudden voice, which earns me a laugh from everyone.

I turn my head to the board and try to hold back a smirk. It's really easy. I look up at the teacher and smile.

I flash him a grin and give him the answer. The smirk on his face fell and he walks away with an embarrassed look. 'That's what you get for messing with me...' I thought to myself, feeling proud of myself.

Then I just sigh and turn my head back to look out the class. I start to feel really sleepy, so I just place my head on the desk and close my eyes. I don't really care about this class anyway.


I was awoken by someone shaking me lightly. I squint my eyes slightly before opening them. I move my head from the desk and look up at the person.

Karma look down at me with a worried face. "Y/N... You seem really tired... What's wrong?" He ask. I yawn and stretch a little. Then I rub my eyes. "I don't know, really... I just can't seem to focus on anything..." I said. He frown at my answer and move to my side.

I let out a squeak when he suddenly lift me up in his arms. My arms instantly went around his neck. "Karma! What are you doing??" I said. He looks down at me and place a soft kiss on my head. "You're tired... So I'm taking you back to the dorm..." He said. "I couldn't possibly do that!" I said. "Sure you can... You need to rest, baby...." He said. I didn't argue, because I know he's right. I just sigh and lay my head on his shoulder. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to another nap.

I wake up two hours later in our dorm room. I look around the room. Karma is no where in sight. I turn my head to look at the clock on the wall. 'It is still school hours... Seems like he went back to class after dropping me here...' I thought to myself. I lay back down and stare at the ceiling.

I decide to read a book as I wait for Karma to come back. I sit up and lean my back against the wall. Then I grab my book on the table and start reading.

In the middle of reading, I heard the door open and close. I look up from my book as Karma walks in. He smiles at me.

"Seems like you're awake... You look fresher than you did this morning..." He said, taking a seat at the edge of my bed. I smile softly at him and place a bookmark on my current page.

I place my book back on the nightstand and scoot closer to Karma. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"I don't know what's bothering you... And it's worrying me... Knowing that I can't help you" he said, frowning slightly. I shake my head at him. "Karma... I'm alright... I'm just tired... A good rest will get me better in no time..." I said, smiling softly at my caring Boyfriend. He just nods his head. Then he leans in closer to place a soft kiss on my lips. I tilt my head and deepen the kiss.

He laid me on my back and hovers above me, not breaking the kiss. I wrap my arms tighter around his neck and pull him even closer.

We have to pull away for air. He smile and place a soft kiss on my forehead. Then he lay on my side. "Then I'll make sure you'll get a good rest..." He said. I nod my head, leaning my head against his chest. "Sleep well baby... I love you, so much..." He said. "I love you too, Karma..." I said. I close my eyes. Despite just wake up... I still feel tired for some reason. I don't know why. But that doesn't matter now. I let myself drift off to yet another sleep. This time... I will be sleeping until the next day comes.


I'm inside a room. I look around and realise it's my old room back in C/N (country name). I look down at my hand and realise it's a lot smaller. What's going on?

Then the door opens to reveal my Father. My eyes widened at the sight of him. He have a huge smirk on his face as he hold a whip in his hand. I feel cold fear running down my spine.

He raise it above his head and slam it down. I feel a sharp stink in my leg, which cause me to fall down. But he didn't stop. He continues to whip me.

End of dreams

I woke up with a jolt, which woke Karma in the process. He sits up and look at me with worry in his eyes. "What is it, Y/N? A nightmare?" He ask. I just nod my head, not trusting my voice.

"Wanna talk about it?" He ask again, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I lean my head on his and start telling him the dream.

After I finished telling him, my whole body is shaking violently. Karma pulls me closer to his arm. I just clutch his shirt tightly as I try to calm myself down. "You know that I won't let that happen, right? I'll always protect you... No harm would come to you... I promise..." He said. I just nod my head.

He didn't say anything. He just keep me in his arms, humming a soft tune in my ear to help calm me down. I feel safe in his presence. I feel complete in his arms.

In my caring boyfriend's arms...

*to be continued*

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