Chapter 13

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Previously on Chapter 12

"Ouch... You're hurting me!" I yelled. He looks shock, as if he didn't realise what he just did. He steps back "I'm... I'm sorry..." He said. I shake my head. I stand straight, looking at him with a hard glare. "You have broke my heart.... You ruined my relationship with Karma... Now you are hoping to be given another chance? A change for what?! Hurting me even further?!" I yell. I push him harshly "leave me alone!" I spat, I turn and leave. This time he didn't try to stop me.

-Karma's Tears-

Karma's P.O.V

Y/N was no where in sight when I got back. I frantically look around trying to look for her. 'Gosh... Where is she? I shouldn't have leave her alone' I thought to myself.

I start running around, completely forgetting the ice-cream I bought. I don't care about it. I need to find her. She could be in danger. That Gakushu guy is still after her. I SWEAR... If he dare lay a finger on her, I will kill him.

"Y/N!!" I yell out her name here and there. I keep looking around. 'Dammit! Where the heck is she?!' I thought in panic.

"Karma!!" I heard someone yells my name. I turn around to see Y/N running towards me. I let out a sigh of relief. 'She's alright.... Thank God...' I thought to myself. I run towards her. I pull her into a hug. I notice how she wince at the contact. I pull away to look at her. "What's wrong? Are you alright?" I asks. She nods her head. "Let's just go home..." She said. She turn around and instantly I saw what's wrong.

I grab her shoulder. She turns to look at me. "Hold still..." I said. I walk over to her back. I lift her shirt slightly. "What are you doing??" She yelled. But I ignore her as my eyes are focused on her back. Her back is full of scars. Deep and shallow once. "What happened?!" I said, in shock. She looks away, I grab her wrist only to see her wince again and pulls away from me. She holds onto her hand in pain.

I frown "can I see your wrist?" I asks, with an outstretch hand. She looks hesitate, but then she place her hand on top of mine. Since she's wearing my jacket, I have to roll up the sleeve. My eyes widened when I see bruises that is covering her wrist, it forms a shape of fingers.

In an instant, I feel anger boiled up inside me. Who dare to hurt my girl?! I will make them pay for this!

"Who. F*ucking. Did. This. To. You?" I said, venom is dripping on each words. She flinch at my tone. I calm myself down, I don't want to scare her.

I sigh as I calmed myself down. I cup both of her cheeks softly. "who did this, baby?" I said, with a much softer tone this time. She looks down. "Y/N... Tell me... I need to know..." I said.

"I-it's..." She start. "It's?" I question. She looks at me. "G-Gakushu..." Right after I heard his name, I can feel anger boiled up inside me once again. "F*cking Gakushu!! You'll pay for this!!" I scream, making her jump.

I calm down "let's go home and get you patch up... Your back will get infected if it didn't get any treatment" I said. She nods her head in respond. I held her hand softly, then we start making our way back to the dorm.


I have never seen Karma this angry before. Should I be happy about this? Happy because Karma treasures me so much? Or should I be upset? Cause I know there's gonna be a fight going on soon and Karma is going to be involved. I don't want him to be in trouble. This is so complicated. I don't know what to think about.

The rest of the way, we walk in silent. Karma's hand felt tense in mine. I can feel that he's trying not to blow up right now. He didn't want to scare me. But either way... I'm going to be scared.

Karma is strong... He's the top fighter in our school, but so is Gakushu. Their power match. One of them is going to be seriously injured... And it's all gonna be my fault. They are fighting because of me.... Karma will get hurt because of me.

Soon enough, we finally made it back to the dorm. We enter our room. Then Karma lead me to my bed and sits me down.

He went to the dresser and took out a first aid kit. Then he walks over to me. "Turn around, so I could treat your back wounds" he said. I did as told, so now I'm facing a body length mirror.

"Sorry... But I need to lift your shirt..." He said. "It's okay.... I trust you..." I said, smiling at him through the mirror. He nods his head, then he lift my shirt slowly.

I watch his movement through the mirror. His eyebrows is knitted together in so much focus as his hand is cleaning the wounds. He's being really careful, so I don't feel any pain.

Once he's done with my back. He stood up and kneel in front of me. He asks for my hand so he can tend my bruised wrists. I comply and give it to him. He gently held my hand, then with ice he pressed it on my wound. I hissed in pain when it made contact with the bruise. "sorry... But don't worry, the pain will subside soon" he said. I just nod my head and let him continue.

The thought from earlier starts coming back once again. The thought that he would be hurt when he fight Gakushu. Without noticing it, tears begin to stream down my eyes. Some landed on his hand.

He looks up and his eyes widened when he saw my tears. He gets up and take a seat next to me. He wipe away the tears. "Why are you crying?" He asks. "You'll fight him, right?" I asks. He stay silent. "Right?!" I repeat. "He needs to pay for what he has done to you! I'm not gonna let this slide so easily! No one can hurt my girl and get away with it just like that! I'll make him pay!" He yelled. I jump in respond.

He relax "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to scare you. It's just that... It hurts me so much to see you're injured like this... I-it..." He stops. I got shock when I see tears streaming down his eyes. He held my hands in his. "I-it... Makes me feel u-useless... I-It makes me feel like I-I've failed... Failed f-from protecting you... I feel like t-the worst p-person in t-this world" He sobbed.

I cup his cheeks. I wipe the tears that streams down his eyes. "Shh.. Karma... Never say that... I don't want to hear that, EVER again... You're not useless... If anything... You're the most important person I've ever have in my whole life... You make me feel whole... You care for me when others just treats me like trash.... You are there for me when I needed someone to comfort me... So don't say that again... Okay?" I said. He looks at me "y-you really m-mean t-that?" He said, his voice sounded so weak. "I mean every word..." I said. I wrap my arms around him "I love you, Karma... Never forget that..." I said. I lean in and kiss him softly. He wrap his arms around my waist, but not so tight as he knew my back is still hurting.

He pulls away and lean his forehead against mine. "I love you too, Y/N... So much..." He said. He kiss me once again. Then we fell asleep, holding onto each other.

*to be continued*

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