Chapter ~ 17

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~~~Theresa's POV~~~

As soon as I was done talking to Ashley, I went to Kellin and he hugged me right away. He knew I was hurting right now, and all I wanted to do was hold him in my arms.

“Hey Vic, it’s getting kinda late. I’m going to take Theresa home, but she will be back tomorrow.” Kellin said. He walked over to Vic and gave him a comforting hug.”

“Thanks for coming today. I appreciate it.”

“No problem Vic. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said, and then Kellin grabbed my hand as we walked out of the room.

Kellin and I walked to the car, and I knew I was going to start crying as soon as we got in the car. I got into the passenger’s seat and Kellin got in the driver’s seat. As soon as he closed the door, I started crying. Kellin leaned over and pu my face in his hands and kissed me. He pulled away from the kiss, but left his forehead against mine.

“Theresa, Ashley is going to be okay.”

“It should have been me.”

“It shouldn’t have been either of you. Now, let’s go home and I’ll hold you in my arms as long as you want me to.” He said with a smile. I smiled back at him, and then he started the car. We were home in about 20 minutes.

We walked in the house and we plopped down on the couch.

“Come here.”

Kellin opened up his arms and I snuggled up to him.

“Kellin, it should have been me. We were in the car together and it hurts more than you know.”

“Hey now. I know you feel bad, but don’t say it should have been you. I feel horrible that it happened to Ashley, but I don’t know what I would do if it was you. I can’t even imagine how Vic feels. I love you and it breaks my heart to know that you broke your wrist and you have bruises and scrapes all along your beautiful body.”

“I love you Kellin.”

“I love you Theresa. I will always love you.”

Kellin smiled at me and then he kissed me and I knew that things were going to be okay.

“You’ve had a rough few days, let’s go take a nice long shower. I’ll help you make sure you don’t get your cast wet.”

Kellin and I got up and walked into the bathroom attached to our shared bedroom. Kellin grabbed the plastic bag I need to put over my arm in the shower. We both quickly stripped our clothes off and Kellin put the bag over my arm before he helped me into the shower. It wasn’t until now when I realized just how many bruises and scrapes I had. They were all along my arms, legs, a few on my cheek, and there were even some on my stomach.

“I had no idea that I had so many cuts.”

“I hate seeing my beautiful girl like this. It makes me realize how much I need to appreciate the little things in life, like getting home safely.”

“Kellin, that’s so sweet of you, but can we wash up? The water keeps hitting my face and it’s hurting.” I said with a laugh.

“oh, of course, sorry pumpkin.” He grabbed the washcloth and put the soap on it before he gently started cleaning my wounds. I winced at first, but then it felt nice to get rid of the dirt and debris still left on my body.

“God, you’re beautiful. Every inch of you.”

I felt myself blush as he ran the cloth along my back. My body was pressed up against his, my head on his chest. I felt him kiss my head and I looked up at the man I was in love with.

“Kellin, I’m so lucky to have had you in my life for these past two years. I leaned up and kissed his soft, plump lips and I felt him smile into the kiss.

We both finished washing up, and by we, I mean Kellin washed himself quickly and he washed me slowly and delicately, because apparently my not broken arm isn’t allowed to do anything. When we got out, I was able to dry myself off and Kellin gave me a pair of his boxers and his old, worn in anthem shirt that smelled like him.

Right before we were about to climb into bed, Kellin asked if I needed any painkillers. I actually stopped to think about it, and realized that I ached all over, so I said yes. I got into bed and Kellin went to get the painkillers and some water. I got into bed and Kellin came to my side with the stuff. I quickly swallowed the pills and then Kellin was in bed next to me.

“Are you tired?"

“kinda, but I don’t think I’m going to be sleeping any time soon. I’m still not used to the cast.

“Do you want to watch a movie?”

“Sure, you can pick. I’m in the mood for anything except horror movies.”

“I know you hate horror movies, pumpkin.”

Kellin got up and went to the DVD player. Seeing him so willing to do anything for me, made me realize how lucky I am to call this guy mine. I saw them movie start and he picked Finding Nemo.

“Why am I not surprised you picked this.” I said with my eyes rolling.

“C’mon babe! You LOVE this movie!”

“Yeah I know, almost as much as I love you.”

Kellin smiled at me and then leaned over to kiss me. We kissed for a while, and then I leaned my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beating. I looked over the shoulder at the clock and saw it was 1 am.

“Babe, it’s 1 am.”

 “woah! Well we should probably go to sleep.” With that Kellin turned the TV off and we just cuddled until we were both asleep.

Disasterology ~ Vic FuentesWhere stories live. Discover now