Chapter ~ 29

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~~~Vic’s POV~~~

I can’t believe Ashley had a brother. It’s horrible that their parents are the reason he committed suicide.. I feel terrible. I know I didn’t do anything to feel this way but its my girlfriends brother. Who couldn’t feel bad for her? She stirs a bit on my chest but remains asleep. I’m so glad I found her at the coffee shop. If I haven’t would she have actually killed herself? I find myself very lucky getting a girl like her.


~~~Tony’s POV~~~

Uggghhh such a bad hangover I don’t want to move but I hear someone yelling.

“get up! We need to clean up for Ashley!” it’s Theresa.

“shhhhh hangover.” I groan and hearing a bunch of yeah’s after.

“guys come on I don’t want Ashley to have to clean up her own birthday party trash. Just get up and do it.” she says and starts clapping earning groans from everyone but we all eventually get up.

“thank you guys. Now come on.” Theresa says handing us all trash bags. We spread around the house and start to clean up.

About 2 hours later we are finally done cleaning! That was the longest two hours of my life. Ashley and Vic finally stumble out of the bedroom and everyone glares at them.

“what?” Ashley asks confused.

“we have been cleaning for the past two hours and you guys just had to come out when we were done.” Jaime exclaims and dramatically throws his hands up in the air.

“sorry guys. I was sleeping.” Ashley says and everyone stops glaring at her and goes to Vic.

“she was laying on top of me and I didn’t want to wake her up.” everyone mumbles stuff then sits down in the living room.

~~~Ashley’s POV~~~

That was nice of everyone cleaning up. But I would have been fine doing it myself since they sat everything up.

“well I’m sorry but we have to leave.” Austin says standing up.

“yeah we have to leave for tour in two days and knowing these guys they haven’t packed yet.” Phil says getting up with the rest of Of Mice & Men.

“oh well thank you guys so much for coming! I had a wonderful time!” I say hugging each one of them and earning a peck on the cheek.

“happy birthday Ashley.” Austin says hugging me. They all say their goodbyes and then leave.

“I think we otta leave too. Our tour manager doesn’t even know we showed up here last night. So we gotta go before he finds us not on the bus.” they say their goodbyes I earn a lot of kisses on the cheeks and happy birthdays from bring me. Such sweet guys. All the guys here are so nice.

As time went on All Time Low and everyone in sws except for Kellin and of course Theresa had to leave as well. I sigh and stand up and walk to the bedroom. The only people left is me, PTV, Theresa and Kellin. When I am walking to the bedroom Vic stops me.

“hey birthday girl.” he says and we both smile.

“hi-ya handsome.” I peck his lips and continue walking to the bedroom when he pulls my wrist and spins me around to face him again.

“go on a date with me?” he rests his hands on my hips and looks down at me.

“okay. When and where?” I ask smiling.

“somewhere. Just be ready at 7.”

“okay. I shall be there.” he smiles and kisses me. I pull back and walk to the bedroom to pick out what I am going to wear, take a shower and get ready.

I run back out to Vic

“what am I supposed to wear?” I ask.

“dress casual but kind of dressy.” he says and I nod and walk back to my closet.

I’m standing there for quite awhile just looking at my clothes when I finally decide on a sunflower dress with the middle of it cut out so you can see part of my stomach, with black flats. I get into the shower, soap up and wash my hair, shave than get out. I wrap a towel around myself than head out to get the clothes on. I get them on than come back into the bathroom and o my hair and makeup. By the time I am totally finished it is 650. I have 10 minutes. I sit down on the bed and go onto my phone and I hear a knock on the door and someone enter. I look up and see theresa standing there.

“what?” I ask.

“are you going to tell him?” I roll my eyes.

“Theresa, I really don’t know when and where I am going to tell him.” I say looking back down at my phone.

“Ashley if you don’t tell him tonight I am. Oh, and by the way, Kellin found the tests and I told him.” I look back up at her.

“why? You could have just told him you were pregnant!”

“Ashley, do you know that if I told him I was lying he would have been heartbroken!” I instantly feel bad for yelling. How could I be so stupid?

“im sorry.. I shouldn’t have yelled at you.”

“it’s okay. And he says that he is very happy for you two.” she sits next to me and rubs circles on my back. I look up at her and smile. She pulls me into a hug and when we let go of each other I check the time on my phone.

“I better be going.” I say and stand up.

“have fun. And tell him!” she says and starts walking out with me. We walk out into the living room and I see Vic standing next to Kellin smiling at me. I look down and blush. He chuckles and hugs me.

“hello beautiful.”

“hello handsome.

“you look very pretty.” he kisses me.

“thank you. And so do you.” we smile at each other.

“well, lets get going.” he grabs my hand and we walk out. I take one look back at Theresa and Kellin and kellin is smiling at me, and Theresa is giving me the ‘you-better-tell-him’ face. I roll my eyes and get back to walking to the car.

Words cannot describe how nervous I am right now.



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