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Chapter Ten

The Warehouse!

Ashley POV

"Blonde." I heard a voice behind me and turned around to see Tyson walking towards me.

"Can I borrow your phone?" He asked, standing beside me. I glanced around at the partly empty compound before narrowing my eyes at him.

"Why?" I asked, a bit frustrated.

"My phone died and I need to make a call." He said with a sigh, adjusting the bag slung over his shoulder.

"Okay." I unlocked my phone and handed it to him. He stepped aside while I held onto my bag, quietly glancing at the ground.

Today flew by quickly since neither Chase nor Mason showed up at school and my father had promised to pick me up after school.

"No response." I heard Tyson saying.

"What exactly do you need?" I asked, looking at him.

"My bike's tire is flat and none of my bros are here. I tried calling home, but my phone is dead." He said, visibly frustrated as he handed my phone back.

"How did that happen?" I asked, referring to his flat tire.

"Someone punctured it." He replied, glaring behind him.

"Well, bad news, it wasn't me." I confirmed with a shrug, dialing my dad's contact.

"Wait, you could give me a ride." Tyson suggested and I shook my head.

"I'm actually waiting for my father." I said, listening to the call ring.

"Did you get through to him?" He asked, looking over my shoulder as the call went to voicemail.

"He's not picking up, so he's probably busy as usual." I said, rolling my eyes and putting my phone in my bag. He promised me...

"And my stepmother is on a fashion tour right now." I added, looking towards the school gates.

"Okay, let's catch a cab in town." Tyson said, gently patting me on the head. I sighed and nodded.

We started walking towards the nearest town in silence, trying to catch a ride there. As we passed a green park, I began to feel a strange tension in the air, like we were being followed.

I glanced behind and noticed a black car trailing us on the nearly empty road. I quickly looked ahead again.

"Tyson, I think we're being followed." I said, trying to stay calm despite feeling paranoid.

"I see the car too." He confirmed, making my heart race.

"Who could it be?" I asked, keeping my eyes forward.

"I'm not sure, but I memorized the license plate." He told me, his gaze fixed ahead. "Just keep walking." He instructed, adjusting his bag.

"And it's getting dark." I observed, looking at the sky.

"I know." He replied, sounding annoyed. I kept my focus straight ahead as we continued walking.

"What are we going to do about it?" I asked, glancing at Tyson. He tensed up and looked at me, his expression mirroring my concern for our safety.

"Okay." He exhaled slowly, surveying our surroundings.

"We'll turn left at the next road. There's an abandoned warehouse nearby." He explained, eyes fixed ahead.

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