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Chapter Twelve

His Friends?

Ashley POV 

It just had to be Tyson, didn't it?

I glanced at him as he stood at the bottom of the staircase, running a hand over his jaw. "Why can't he put on a shirt?" I muttered to myself, then turned my gaze back to the front door.

"Nice to meet you." He greeted me and I turned around to look at him.

"Just play along, Ashley." Those were the words written on his lips as he smiled at me.

"Same." I replied in a low voice, briefly glancing down at his chest.

"Ashley, this is Tyson, my son." Mrs. King introduced him.

"Tyson, take her luggage to the guest room. I'll be in the kitchen if you need any help settling in, sweetheart." She touched my shoulder. I slightly smiled at her with a nod.

"And Tyson, please be nice to her." She warned with a slight glare and he shrugged his shoulders.

She slowly left us both at the door and I watched her walk away before turning my attention to Tyson.

He began to carry my suitcases up the staircase and I followed behind, keenly watching his arms.

We arrived at a bedroom with floral designed tiles on the floor and royal blue curtains. The sheets on the bed were plaid brown, the furniture white and the walls painted in a shade of light blue.

He placed my suitcases on the floor, then turned to me. "This will be your room and mine is right across the hallway, love." He said, pointing through the door.

"Why were you behaving as if you didn't know me in front of your mom?" I asked him and he scratched the back of his head.

"I didn't want to spend the entire day telling her how we met." He told me with a shrug and I slowly walked around the bedroom.

"Okay, you can go ahead and put on a shirt now." I waved him away as I ran a hand over the bed sheets and I heard him chuckle.

"You don't like it when I'm shirtless?" He asked, looking down at his physique.

"Don't push your ego." I scoffed as I stood by the bed, my gaze on him.

"Besides, it's not like I'm interested in seeing you without a shirt." I added, trying to sound nonchalant.

He grinned, clearly enjoying teasing me. "Sure, sure." He said, raising his hands in defense. "Whatever you say."

I rolled my eyes, refusing to dignify his comment with a response. Instead, I busied myself with unpacking my suitcase, trying to ignore the way he effortlessly filled the room with his presence.

"So, how long are you stuck here?" He asked, leaning against the doorframe.

I sighed, realizing there was no escaping his company. "A couple of weeks, apparently. Until my parents return from their trip."

He raised an eyebrow. "That's plenty of time for us to get reacquainted."

I shot him a look, already dreading the idea of spending that much time under the same roof as him. 

"By the way, it's good to see that you're still the same after what you witnessed the other day." He said, pushing himself off the doorframe. My stare softened, realizing he was referring to the gang situation.

"Scream if you need anything, love." With a wink, he left the room, leaving me to unpack in peace.

I smiled slightly. 

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