Chapter 8

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Annabeth's POV

I bowed as Artemis came into view, but straight after them came Apollo, Aphrodite, Iris, my mother and…Poseidon! Oh no mine and Percy's parents in the same place. This will be good…

"Mother! Lord Poseidon" I bowed, personally I had nothing against Poseidon.

Poseidon smiled, "hello Annabeth, wonderful to see you two again, I must say I did not agree with Hera's plan."

Percy smiled "Thanks dad" then he looked at my mother and bowed really low "Hello, Lady Athena" if my mother saw the gesture she made no sign of it,

"With all due respect, why are so many of you here?" Piper asked,

"Because you lot asked about this Lucy chick" Apollo said sounding interested,

"okay I get why Apollo's here, because he like answers questions, Artemis because we thought Lucy might be a Hunter, I even get Athena because she is smart, but why the rest of you?" Leo asked in utter confusion.

The gods shrugged,

"It seems the fates sent us, all for a pacific (A/N does anyone else find this funny? No just me? Awkward...) reason" Poseidon said,

"Well, I heard my name, what is it you wanted to asked" Artemis asked,

"Did you ever have a really brave hunter named Lucillia?" I jumped right in,

Artemis shook her head "I remember her though, I tried to recruit her was rather strange"

"How?" asked Piper

"When she was about to answer, people came out of the forest, they said their mistress was too pure to criticise men like that"

"Followers" I said, "Maybe she has followers like the hunters with you"

"And they obviously must respect her a lot" Percy said,

I nodded my head at his clear thinking, which was unusual; he must be trying to impress my mother,

"One thing I don't get is how I knew her, how my mother knew her" Hazel wondered aloud,

I turned my head to Apollo, he shrugged, "it seems the fates are giving me the info," he closed his eyes for a second then opened them and smiled, "apparently she knows all demi-gods parents" he said with a smirk.

"All of them?" I asked bewildered, even my mother seemed astonished it was a huge accomplishment; there were hundreds, maybe thousands of demi-gods all over the world.

Apollo nodded, "she makes it her duty, or whatever, to know all of them, protect all demi-gods, she befriends with all demi-gods human parent in order to protect them. Many call her pure because she has never done a selfish act. Apparently she has protected demi-gods for centuries, but none of the parents have ever remembered her afterwards"

We all just stared, mouths agape,

"Wow!" Leo said "so we all know her?"

Apollo nodded still flashing his smile "the fates decided to let you all know her, so they were planning to give the dreams in order of you meeting her, except because Leo's her nephew, sort of, you got the dreams first, and then hazel, because well...she's a bit older than you" he smirked, I rolled my eyes, "then it was meant to be Jason" we all looked at Jason, still shirtless, and looking rather shocked.

"I knew her?"

Piper rolled her eyes "We all knew her, Sparky"

Jason blushed at the nickname,

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