Chapter 2

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Annabeth had never felt so girly.

All she could concentrate on was Percy. Did he remember her? Did he have a new girlfriend? If he remembered her, would he still like her? Suddenly, Annabeth came up with a new question that she had never thought of. Did they love each other?Neither had ever said they love the other, but during these past months, the ache in Annabeth's chest from the loss of Percy made her feel like a stupid daughter of Aphrodite. She knew the answer... she definitely loved him. But did he love her? Annabeth hated not knowing the answers to these questions. She hated not knowing anything. After all, she was a daughter of Athena.


Annabeth whirled around, her dagger unsheathed and at the intruder's neck before she could blink. There stood a very shocked, choppy-haired, colour-changing-eyed daughter of Aphrodite, also known as Piper.

Annabeth let out a sigh. "Sorry."

"Thinking about Percy?" Piper asked after a few, short steady breaths.

"Yeah... I miss him."

Before Piper could reply, Leo's voice echoed through the ship. "Yo, demigods! Arriving in 10 minutes! Don't get too excited and bash your head on the door again... Annabeth!" Leo was lucky he was far away, otherwise, Annabeth would have personally ripped his head off. She let out an annoyed huff and strode out of her room.

"Hey," Jason, son of Jupiter, greeted Annabeth. "You okay?"

"Never better," Annabeth replied grumpily as she leaned against the railing of the ship. The ship reminded her of him. Annabeth's breath caught in her throat at the sight of the Roman architecture. It was amazing, simply amazing! It put Greek to shame; though she was never admit that. Besides, they did build this ship. Annabeth was already trying to search the crowd for Percy, but she was simply too far away. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jason visibly getting paler and paler the closer they got to camp.

"You okay?" she asked him.

He shook his head as if he were in a daze and murmured so quietly, Annabeth didn't think she was meant to hear, "Reyna."

Annabeth ignored it and concentrated on Leo as he landed the ship. When they hit the ground, there was a slight bump. She was impressed that they hadn't even cracked the earth. All four of them knew the plan. Jason would go out first and if it didn't go well, they'd send out Piper. Annabeth knew Piper was not so keen being Plan B, but she could charmspeak, so...

Annabeth watched as Jason went to the plank and looked down at the demigods. There was a collected gasp that ran through the crowd. Jason then began to speak. "Romans! I have come home, and I have brought allies to help defeat Gaea. They are Greek, but they are as loyal, strong, and... goodhearted as us. They have come in peace!" There was a moment of silence. Everyone on the ship was tense. Then, the whole camp burst into applause. Jason signalled for the rest of them to come and one-by-one, they came onto the plank and walked down to the camp. Annabeth's eyes began searching again and she found two leaders; the girl was beautiful with black hair strung into a braid, but she had a stern, unkind face; the boy had jet black hair that was so tousled, Annabeth thought it had never been combed and sea-green eyes that pierced through her own... Percy. He looked at her, then looked to the ground as the girl whispered something in his ear. Annabeth couldn't hear it, but when Percy looked back up, his eyes were full of almost sadness. Annabeth hated to see him like that, but she tolerated it as they started introduction.

Percy's POV

Percy was heartbroken. Reyna had just told him that he had to stand firm and not show any emotion or make a scene until tonight. It took all of his willpower to keep up a frown as he looked at Annabeth. The introductions began.

"Welcome, Greeks! I am Reyna, Praetor of Camp Jupiter, Daughter of Bellona!"

"I am Jason Grace, son of Jupiter." Jason turned to the two people by his side.

Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite." Piper faced the elfish, black-haired dude who claimed to be Leo and looked like he had drunk too much coffee. He looked directly at Reyna and Hazel, who was turned pale.

"Yo, smokin' hot ladies, the name's Valdez." Leo wiggled his eyebrows at them. "Leo Valdez. Supreme Captain of Argo II. Son of Hephaestus." Percy almost lost his frown when he talked like that. Reyna's eyes widened in horror and Frank became red with rage. Jason slapped his head when Leo said that, but couldn't keep the smirk off his face. Piper slapped Leo on the head and Annabeth rolled her perfect grey eyes.

"Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto."

"Frank Zhang, son of Mars."

"Octavian, descendant of Apollo and Auger."

"Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena." She looked hopefully at Percy when she finished. It took everything out of him to keep his frown on. Reyna interrupted.

"And this is Percy Jackson, co-praetor and son of Neptune." Percy would have corrected her, but he was too depressed to, seeing Annabeth so upset. "We shall discuss the Prophecy of the Seven in the Senate House." She turned to the rest of the Romans. "Go back to your normal duties! Now!" The Roman camp promptly dispersed and Percy and Reyna led the Greeks to the Senate House. They all sat in different places; Percy and Reyna at the front of the Praetor chairs, which Percy felt really uncomfortable doing. All he wanted to do was run to Annabeth and kiss her band on the lips; Frank and Hazel sitting uncomfortably on the sidelines; Jason and Piper were secretly holding hands. Oh no, Percy thought. Reyna's not going to like this. On the other side of the room, Leo was sitting next to Piper, his eyes roaming over Reyna and Hazel, mostly Hazel, in a joyous way. Percy knew this guy was going to be the life of the party. And last - but definitely not least - Annabeth leaned against the wall, staring daggers at Reyna. Percy could see the wheels turning in Annabeth's skull and he quickly figured out what she thought. Oh gods, not this again, Percy thought. He resisted the urge to wink at Annabeth or roll his eyes and stared at his hands.

"Okay, does anyone know who the seven are?" Reyna asked solemnly.

"We know three - maybe four - the awesome moi, the Queen of all Queens, Beauty Queen and Sparky over here," Leo said, thrusting his thumb at Jason and Piper. They looked annoyed. Strange, many Aphrodite daughters would find that a compliment.

"We believe Percy, Frank and Hazel are the other three here. Who do you think is the seventh?" Reyna inquired of Leo with an annoyed expression.

"Annabeth!" Leo shouted. Everyone's head snapped to Annabeth.

"Umm, I don't know..." she stuttered.

Annabeth doesn't know something?
Percy thought.

"Annabeth rebuilt Olympus, played a main part in the Titan war and has been on numerous quests," Piper intercepted.

"How about a vote?" Reyna asked. She turned her head to Jason.

"Reyna," he said. Piper's eyes widened. Drat, Percy thought.




"Annabeth!" Yes!Percy rejoiced.


"Reyna." Damn, tie.

"Hazel?" Hazel looked at Percy, frightened. Her eyes were apologising. Percy nodded, understanding; he was afraid, too.

"Reyna," she answered shakily. Reyna smiled and turned to Frank. Damn, Percy thought.


"Annabeth." Everyone was shocked, but Percy did a mental rejoice. All eyes were on him now.


I love cliffies! ;-) 

Again tell me of mistakes and I'll try and improve! Was it long enough? If not tell me!

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