Chapter 5

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Frank's POV

The only thought that was strictly in Franks mind, was that he had to destroy this little runt. How an short, elfish, hyper little kid had managed to impress and make Hazel practically melt in his presence, he had no idea. It simply wasn't fair. He was a shape shifter. He was a son of Mars, even though he didn't like it. He was the leader of the fifth cohort. (A/N what's that called? Sorry) How had this guy gotten a girl as beautiful as Hazel, although Frank didn't know that for certain,

Yeah, I have to keep my hopes up!

Just then Annabeth and Percy, came striding in hand-in-hand. Both had hickeys on their necks and cheeks,

Wow! What have they been doing?

Frank nudged Hazel and shook my heads in their direction, her head snapped towards them and she beamed at them, then her face went sad. Frank wondered why she would be upset, but he let it go.

Percy and Annabeth, sat down with everyone staring at them, they were both blushing and looking sheepishly at everyone.

Leo smirked at them as if he knew a secret. Everyone entered an awkward silence, until Leo decided it was time to ask a stupid question,

"So...what? You guys happy?"

Percy cocked his head and squinted his eyes, and everyone looked at Leo as if he had lost his marbles,

"What?" he asked holding up his arms in defence,

Annabeth rolled her eyes and Piper reached over and hit Leo upside the head. Frank really did not understand this guy, was he like this to get some laughs or was he just stupid?

"Okay, perhaps we can talk about the ques-" Reyna started but she was interrupted by Octavian with a bullhorn,

"Roman! We must not let these Graecus! They are our enemies! There are more Graecus than Romans going on the quest! How do we know, they will not kill the Romans on this voyage? They came in a warship!" And just when you thought Octavian was going to shut up about this...

"ENOUGH OCTAVIAN!" Percy exploded, standing up, "I am a Greek, and did I not help you in the war! You raised me as your Praetor! The Greeks trust you! You should trust them!" and with that he sat down and glared at Octavian until he sat down and put away the bull horn.

Frank let out an annoyed sigh, everyone was getting up his nerves...well that was a bit of an exaggeration, but Percy, with his perfect love life was annoying him, Octavian with his stupid speech was annoying him, and most of all the little elfish runt kept hitting on Hazel the girl he liked, but couldn't seem to get to like him back...

As soon as everyone left they headed to the ship, Frank and Hazel trailed behind feeling out of place on the Argo II. Leo bounced over, with a grin, in a very cheery mood that just made frank hate him even more,

"Do you guys want me to show you your rooms?"

"We have rooms?" Hazel asked,

"Yep, and I'll customize them to your parentage and hobbies, as soon as I have time" he said with a wink, he took us to our rooms, both of them were plain with a bed, closet, and bedside table, but they also had huge flat screen TV's and a desk with computer, "Get comfortable, guys got a long journey, I better start the ship, Nighty, night" Leo called, their rooms were opposite each other so they abruptly closed the doors, Frank let out a frustrated huff and slumped on the bed not bothering to change and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Leo's POV

I headed to the control room, my head was still buzzing with confusion at the position I was in with Hazel, she was so sweet, and I felt so bad for her, she must be in such a stressful position...

I couldn't help kiss her earlier, and I knew it might just confuse her more, but if she wanted a relationship, I wouldn't disagree, and if she didn't I wouldn't cry about it, I never did after all.

I started getting the engine on and after the Argo lifted off I put it on Autopilot to Camp Half-Blood so I could get some sleep.

My room was quite simple it was painted sort of bronze and had a desk pile higher than Olympus with mechanics, along with my tool belt, there were gears and scraps of metal all over the floor, the bed was simple with bronze sheets, but it felt like home. As soon as my head hit the pillow I had a dream made no sense and made me terrified...(A/N I was going to stop here, but I'm being very nice to you, and thought I shouldn't punish you)

I watched my mother, and she was younger, as if she were eighteen, maybe younger, her night gown was bloody and tattered, and she held a white bundle with a, strangely, calm and sleeping baby. I don't know why, but for some reason I was born in my mum's living room, in a house I didn't recognise as my old house...

Next to my mother, was another very young girl, she looked eighteen, and I am not joking when I say she was the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen. I'm talking ten times hotter than Aphrodite! She had pure Golden locks down to just above her waist, beautifully golden tanned skin, she seemed to have an almost golden aura, but it was her eyes that caught me, usually I just look at someone's eyes, and can't tell their colour without looking close, this girl I could tell from miles away, they glowed, and I mean literally BOOM! First thing you notice was her vibrant, drop dead gorgeous, violet eyes. She extended her hand cautiously to the baby which I knew was me, she stroked my cheek and looked at me with warm smile that even though I knew was not at me now made me melt.

"He's beautiful, Keller(A/N I didn't know her name so I just made it up, and I'm too lazy to look it up)" I had never heard my mother's name before

"Thank you" my mother said looking at me adoringly,

"Who's the Father?"

My mother froze, and that's when I knew, my mother knew I was a demi-god. "Hephaestus"

I couldn't believe my mum just told this lady,

The girls eyes widened, "It was unwise to play with a god, Keller" she said with the sternness of Athena herself, "The child will now be more powerful than possible, with our power and a gods combined he will be more powerful than physically possible" I didn't understand, how could I have her power, what was she talking about, my mother was mortal, and there was no way I was related to this girl she was too beautiful to be related to me.

"I know but-"

Before my mother could go any further, there was a loud rumble and an earthquake erupted around the house, there was a blinding flash in the corner and the glow kept getting bigger and brighter,

"NO!" my mother shouted, "what's going on?" my mother asked over the loud rumpling,


My mother nodded, and run out, but the girl didn't follow her, my mother turned before going out the door and faced the door "COME ON!"

The girl smiled sadly as a single tear slide down her face "REMEMBER ME, SISTER!" She shouted and leaped towards the growing light, there was a blinding flash and my mother and I barely got out the house as it exploded, my mother stared at the house, screaming, with tears running down her face faster than a waterfall, then a man with brown hair, with speckles of red in it and warm brown eyes grabbed my mother,

"WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE KELLER!" He shouted at her, as he tried to pull her away,

My mother just battled against him, screaming "LUCY! LUCY! LUCY! LUCY! NO! NO! TAYLOR LET ME GO!"

The dream dissolved as I saw my mother fight against Taylor and I woke with a start, and found myself crying and terrified.

So what do you think? Honestly I'm pretty proud of this chapter...

What do you guys think is going to happen next?

Who is this Lucy woman?

Who is Taylor?

Why do they have power?

Why do I keep asking questions?

Stay and read guys, it's just getting started! HeHe

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