Chapter 12

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Annabeth's POV

For once when Rachel finished the prophecy I didn't run to catch her. I was in too much shock. From the prophecy and the Mark, what the hell did that riddle mean! One simple and agonisingly painful, the other difficult and pleasurable... What the hell was that supposed to mean?

As soon Rachel's prophecy ended Leo caught her and the gods started arguing about what the prophecy meant,

"SILENCE!" At first I thought it was Zeus but it was Lucillia, she was so commanding and leader-like it was amazing, "what is there to argue about? The prophecy is obvious, the seven will go in the quest to Rome to save the son of Hades what are you all arguing about?"

The gods looked at her cautiously, obviously not wanting her to shout again, "where did you get the idea it was Rome we're going to?" Poseidon asked,

Lucillia rolled her eyes, "'with help from the Universes daughters' that states that we know where it is because we are helping you"

Apollo cocked his head "we?"

Lucillia rolled her eyes again, "Sophia told me she found the son of Hades in Rome, Sophia - which I hope you have already figured out because otherwise you will seem rather stupid - is the daughter of Athena andChaos!"

All our jaws hit the floor the second Lucillia said that,

"What?" My mother shouted, "I never knew Chaos!"

"He obviously didn't tell you it was him." Lucillia groaned, "there is so much that you don't know if you didn't even figure that out..." she mumbled sounding slightly annoyed,

"Wait you said 'we' that means...your-your..." Leo couldn't finish the sentence, we all knew what he was saying and we stared at Lucillia not quite believing it,

"That's why you're so powerful, your Gaia's sister, you're the daughter of the creator of the Universe! How did we not guess that?" Athena shrieked at herself, obviously not happy she didn't figure it out,

"Honestly I thought it was obvious." Nicole said, simply examining her reflection with her knife as if this happened all the time,

"So are you a Demi-god or..." Leo trailed off,

Lucillia smiled, "now where would be the fun in telling you that?" she smirked,

"Don't even try; the only ones who know are Sophia, Taylor and Oberon." Ash said, "Even Nicole doesn't know. She won't tell any of us."

"Well, what about the rest of the prophecy, the third line - Descendant of sea saves them all'?" Artemis asked,

"Well it obvious, Frank is going to save us somehow." Percy stated in his ordinary cheerful mood,

Frank blushed, but everyone else looked confused, apart from Lucillia and her recruits,

"Frank is a descendant of Neptune." Percy told us and we all nodded,

"'But fails to the sirens call'" Frank mumbled, "What does that mean?"

Out of quick habit we all looked at Lucillia and she seemed pleased that we counted on her, "it could mean a few things, it could mean we may need to travel to the sea of monsters and Frank saves you all from the sirens but dies doing so..." she trailed off, and Frank went pale,

"Or..." Leo asked,

"Well 'Sirens call' can mean anything really, a really long time ago it meant something close to the heart, in other words there may be, on the quest, something Frank loves more than anything in the world that he would do anything to get, and fails to find it."

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