Chapter 21

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OMG so much research for this chapter!

Leo's POV

Sophia led us to the Great Coliseum. It was huge, but rundown. And with our luck just guess who was waiting for us. Three giants. Three. (A/N you guys better read this next part cause I spent ages researching this!)

The middle giant was the tallest by about a foot, like the other two his limbs were serpent like, but he had scales of a dragon for feet. He wore a traditional Greek helmet, like the one you see Athena wearing in old pictures and movies. His skin was a horrible stormy grey that made him look old, leathery and about to be sick. His eyes reminded me of an owls, his eyebrows arched right off his face in a long diagonal way and his pupils were huge and alert just like an owl, only difference was his eyes were grey and not white or yellow like an owl. His armour was crested with a gruesome black owl and he was only armoured with a huge spear.

To the left owl-freak-giant was a giant taller than the last one. The giant's hair and long black beard flickered with flames, his eyes were... rough, if that made sense, he was dressed in armour that looked like it was melted on his skin, a tool belt filled with every weapon you could think of and of course he had the serpent-like-legs.

He made me feel in danger, like I was facing my mortal enemy.

The last giant on the right of owl-freak-giant was the smallest but looked somehow like the biggest threat, even though the fire-freak-giant was way more buff and taller than him. There seemed to be three of him if that made sense, like they had photocopied him twice by accident and then stuck him together to make up for the mistake. His hair was slithering with horrid purple snakes. His eyes were bright indigo and he wore armour that shimmered with purple and black fire. (a/N bit like Hades robes.)

Sophia and Jinx snarled.

Suddenly, as if the day wasn't weird enough, Sophia's appearance shimmered. Her sheaf of armour appeared and a silver staff with a violet orb, like Jinx's staff back at camp Half-Blood, appeared in her hand. But her actual appearance shimmered; her skin became more tanned, her hair grew longer to her waist and staring curling like a princess and turning... BLONDE. A Greek helmet rested on her head like the one Athena wore in ancient Greek myths. And last of all her eyes flickered and turned stormy grey.

Everyone's jaws dropped, staring at Sophia, she looked just like Annabeth or any other daughter of Athena. She held up her staff, "Enceladus!" She called.

The middle giant faced her and laughed joyfully.

Sophia snarled, obviously offended. She shot a purple blast toward Enceladus with her staff and pounced towards him. She kicked him in the chest, flipped backwards, back towards us and landed in a graceful crouch. While the giant landed on his butt with a big BOOM!

"You dare mock me?" Sophia raged. "I will destroy as my mother did!" Then without warning Sophia lunged towards the giant and mid-leap transformed into a graceful silver tiger, she started a full raging battle with the giant, both of them looking menacing and just darn frightning.

Then I heard another growl and turned to see Jinx's appearance flickering, her armour and staff was back, but her hair was shoulder length and copper-slash-fire-red making it look like her hair was on fire and her eyes had gone darker more... indigo. Like how she first appeared at camp Half-Blood but more scary. Her feet were bare and on her leg was an anklet of a horrid purple snake swirling around her ankle all the way up to her knee, and an identical one on her forearm but smaller, then around her neck was the symbol of a star inside a circle and a crescent moon on either side of it. Somehow I knew it was the symbol of Hecate. But the scariest and most hideous thing was, because I was behind her I saw on her back, millions of tattoos surrounding her Mark - which looked ten times more painful and raw then Annabeth's – of crescent moons, dragons, that symbol on her necklace, paired torches, fire and worst of all slithering snakes that almost looked alive. It was the scariest thing I'd ever seen in my life. Jinx snarled which sounded suspiciously like snakes.

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